1 (edited by Morgueritual 2019-09-24 05:03:03)

Topic: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

Just got a UFX II.
Im running Reaper on windows 10
Im trying to use the analogue I/O to use hardware effects like a bus compressor.
I cant get the interface to send a hot enough signal to hit the effects properly. I have tried turning up levels in totalmix but those feedback. When I turn up gain levels on the hardware I get feedback there as well. All my cables have been checked and are plugged in right. I have NEVER had issues like this with my Motu interface.
Any help would be great

2 (edited by ramses 2019-09-24 07:13:15)

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

> I cant get the interface to send a hot enough signal to hit the effects properly.

If the signals are too weak, check channel settings in terms of input and output levels (consumer, studio level ...)

> I have tried turning up levels in totalmix but those feedback.
> When I turn up gain levels on the hardware I get feedback there as well.

I think you do not have a feedback like with a Microphone, but you simply will overload the channel by improper routing.

I could think of, that your routing to the HW output where the compressor is connected to, is not ok.

Maybe you do not send only the SW Playback Channel (from DAW) to it, but also the signal from the HW input
where the output of the compressor is connected to or something similar.

A few hints:

See my blog, in terms of basic operation to get proper routing to avoid feedback and in terms of external HW:
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … terner-HW-

Main features of the TotalMix FX operation mode

TotalMix FX is a monitor mixer. For each of the HW outputs you can simply create a submix. So you can create as many submixes as there are HW outputs on the recording interface. Creating a submix (a "routing") is very easy:

  • Check if you are in "submix mode".

  • In TM FX click on a HW output (lowest row), the routing will be indicated by theposition of the faders in the upper and middle row.

  • Then simply adjust the faders of the HW inputs and SW playbacks (top/mid range) as you would like to hear the mix.

Routing / feedback

So in submix mode you can click at any time to a HW output (bottom row) and see what
- HW inputs (top row) and
- SW playback channels (from DAW, OS)
are being routed to there.
Simply by looking where you see a signal and whether the fader of the particular channel has been raised towards 0dB.

If you have a recording interface with many channels you might loose the overview.
Push / Toggle the "Sub" button right under "Layout Presets" on the right side
to see only those HW Inputs and SW playback channels that are being routed to the HW output that you seleced.

By this you should be able to detect any routing issue that might lead to feedback.


If the levels are too low then you certainly chooses the wrong sensitivity on the Inputs of the UFX II
and choosed wrong reference Level on the HW outputs.

In TM FX click to the "tool icon" of an input or output channel to get more setting options.
HW Inputs: there you can set the input to either: Lo Gain or +4 dBu
HW Outputs: there you can set the outputs to either: -10dBV, +4 dBu or Hi Gain

The Manual (https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/fface_ufx2_e.pdf) tells you more about the 2 / 3 different settings of Inputs and Outputs in chapters: 19.1, 20.1, 25.3.1 under "Level", 39.1 (technical specs)

The levels need to match the settings of your external HW.
You need to find out whether they need consumer or studio level.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

Routing should basically work like this / what to take care for ...

Main out .. do not send compressor output to your monitor or phones additionally ...


Only send the signals to the compressor from DAW that you need.
Assuming here that you only want to send certain stuff to the compressor from DAW using the output AN3/4 of DAW.
Remember, the software (DAW), sends it signals 1st to the SW Playback channels of TM FX (middle row)
although they are named like the HW outputs .....
From there you need to perform the routing to which REAL HW Output on your UFX II you want to send this SW signal.


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by ramses 2019-09-25 08:08:04)

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

Anything unclear ?

BTW in terms of setup in the DAW .. in Cubase the process to add external effects is very nice and kind of guided to set up the external gear as effect in cubase (useable like the usual VSTs).

Full Delay compensation is also great in Cubase.

Video also shows the nice render in place capabilites.


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

ramses wrote:

Anything unclear ?

BTW in terms of setup in the DAW .. in Cubase the process to add external effects is very nice and kind of guided to set up the external gear as effect in cubase (useable like the usual VSTs).

Full Delay compensation is also great in Cubase.

Video also shows the nice render in place capabilites.


Ramses. Thanks so much for your very detailed reply.  This clears up some of what I was confused on. I think I just need to read the manual and dive in and really spend a week or two trying to get familiar with the software. To be honest the routing in the software is not very intuitive and it’s a huge pain in the ass the way it’s set up. But the interface is so good that I’m willing to bite the bullet and deal with it. I just simply have stuff set up wrong. I’m coming from years of MOTU use. I got tired of MOTU’s noise and constant clock issues.
Thanks again.

6 (edited by ramses 2019-09-26 06:45:15)

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

In terms of routing, do you mean the matrix or mixer view ?

One advice, please concentrate on the much easier to use Mixer View (M) and use it in "submix mode".

Tbh .. routing in Mixer View and Submix Mode is the best, easiest and most logic that you can get.

You click to an output (bottom row) and then you only need to raise the faders from
Inputs (top row) and Audio from Applications (middle row). THATS IT.

So you can click to each output and by watching the position of the fader in a channel you directly see
what audio will be routed into this output (also called submix).

And if the audio signal is present, you can easily see, on which HW input (top row) it arrives or
on which SW Playback channel (middle row) it arrives from Computer Applications (OS, DAW, ..).

And if you use the "sub" button on the right, then you can even blend out channels (HW inputs, sw playback channels)
that do not route into the HW output that you selected.

And its very flexible that the DAW / Application sends audio to the SW playback channels 1st,
because then you can control in TM FX, like in a patchbay, to which outputs you want to send audio finally
and with what gain to get a proper phones or monitor mix, that contains all that you need and with proper
volume and volume proportions between channels.

Believe me, easier is not possible and by this I could get incredible routings on my UFX+
i.e. to build up a parallel effect loop for my Marshall Amp, etc, look here (sorry only available in german):
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/ind … arren-Rig/



You simply need to give it some time, rome also has not been built in one day.

I recommend you to go step by step through my TM FX primer, because it supports you to build up a good basic setup.
And gives already some hints to more advanced operation.
Also some tips and pointers how to set it up, that it doesnt become too loud.
That the interface is properly initialized during computer start and volume is set correctly.
You need simply time to go through it step by step.

I am personally autodidact by nature, because I started this way in a time, where internet was not available.
I got a Unix based system, and something like documentation was not available.
All I had was manual pages and advice from friends.
If there were books then only in english and ... expensive.

So I tend to learn relatively quick, but even then you need to give it simply some time.
I did my best in my TM FX primer (the blog article) to give you IMHO good information
so that you are able to get a good startup environment.

Maybe this is the best to get this startup environment rock solid.

And if there is something unclear ..
- Check manual, you find many things quickly if you use the search function of your PDF viewer (I use Acrobat reader).
- You can even make comments in the manual with Acrobats "Comment function".
- Ask on forum

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

TMfx is  the most logical and capable front end I know (and I have used motu, tascam emu and terratec). Once you get it is a sub mix per output, you will understand it and see anything is possible.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Cant get hardware effects to work right with UFX2

+1 thanks Vinark :-)

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13