Topic: Autostart TotalMix Window on Windows 10

Hi, I have 3 screens. On the 3. screen I want to have the TotalMix window allways open. Is there a trick to autostart this window on windows boot? I run Windows 10 Pro 64bit. For now Iallways have to start it manualy.

Windows 10 Pro 64bit Core i5, 16GB Ram, FirefaceUCX Cubase 10, WaveLab 9.5


Re: Autostart TotalMix Window on Windows 10

Matthias Carstens

Re: Autostart TotalMix Window on Windows 10

Thanx, that works very well!

Windows 10 Pro 64bit Core i5, 16GB Ram, FirefaceUCX Cubase 10, WaveLab 9.5