Topic: Future request - Hidden Channels won't get mirror in Totalmix

I'm using the fireface Ufx II.
My talkback mic is connected to mic 12 in the audio interface.
Is there a way that hidden input channels won't get copy while using the mirror option?
I.e. deactivating  the mic 12 input in the control room but sending it for the cue outputs while in hidden "mode"?


Re: Future request - Hidden Channels won't get mirror in Totalmix

Are you using the integrated Talkback function of TotalMix FX?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by Noam Calderon 2019-12-09 10:43:00)

Re: Future request - Hidden Channels won't get mirror in Totalmix

No i'm not using the integrated Talkback function of TotalMix Fx...
not sure if it's relevant or not but I have a Talkback mic connected to a foot pedal that switching it on or off