1 (edited by woo_york 2019-12-28 14:25:03)

Topic: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Hello All.
I have faced with weird issue with my RME Fireface 400. I am sending a stereo signal to output 1/2 in ableton. In totalmix I see that signal is recieved on software output 1/2. This software output 1/2 is set to send the signal to corresponding external output 1/2, but for some weird reason on external 1/2 there is only 1 channel incoming. I did make sure i am sending both left and right channels, so all set correctly. So, one channel kind of lost between the way from software output to external output. If i turn off and on, the audio interface it starts to work normally as well.
I have latest drivers, my system is mac os high sierra,


Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Check the third row level neters and the current sample rate when the effect comes back.

Matthias Carstens

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Hi, On the third row (where external outs) I visually see that only 1 channel is working, while on the second row (software out) it's both channels and these both channels are mapped (as stereo) to the external out that has indicating only 1 channel


Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Can you provide a screenshot?

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by woo_york 2019-12-30 18:27:58)

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

In this case i route 1/2 software output to 3/4 hardware. It's like somewhere inside the totalmix 1 channel was lost. Though this only happened to 1 software output, all others performed fine



Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

That setup is useless for finding the issue cause. You mix several channels to output 3/4, AND you have loopback active. Also why didn't you send a pic that shows your initial error description? In this pic the initial error is no longer visible. This is not how efficient support can work.

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by woo_york 2019-12-31 07:11:20)

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Sorry for not being very accurate, I did not mention that several software outputs where mixed inside one hardware output, Though, the issue was happening exactly with one software output channel (1/2), all others delivered stereo as expected, so i did not mention it.

Yes, loopback on channel 3/4 is active. But, it does not change the core of the problem.

And the core is that stereo signal that is coming from software output (in this case channel 1/2) is losing one of it's channels when it is routed to hardware output (in this case channel 3/4). So it's no different to what originally is described, it's just another pair of hardware output being used, but actual behavior of the bug is exactly as i described

What you mean you can't see the error. It is obviously visible that the signal on hardware 3/4 is kind of missing one of the channels.

Please let me know what additional information should I provide so it will help


Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Any updates on this?

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Hello. Yestarday i faced with issue again, and this time i was able to capture a video where you can clearly see what is happening. Plase take a look https://we.tl/t-r9r338Fry6
Hope this helps to understand the issue


Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Thanks for the video.

Intuitively I would have moved the PAN just to see if it 'hangs' on an invalid value. Also the Matrix view might show something that is not visible here.

What happens if you perform a Total Reset of TM FX and re-establish that routing?

If a reboot of the FF400 fixes that then the hardware might be defective. I am not aware of any other user feedback similar to this, and doubt it is a TotalMix FX bug.

Matthias Carstens

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

After a Windows update (not sure if that was the cause) I had the same issue on a Fireface 400:
The meters clearly showed software inputs in stereo but transmission to the outputs was on one side only. Mono button in the Control Room section would send signal to both speakers. Matrix was fine and restarting the computer did not help.
Only after a cold reboot after having disconnected the Firewire cable did the problem resolve itself.

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

Hi all

Maybe my question sounds a bit stupid: is the issue both what you can hear on speakers or headphones and see in TotalMix or is it a graphical issue only?

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: One channel signal is not transmitted from Software to External output

It is not graphical. The meters were accurately reflecting the lack of audio passthrough.