Topic: VE Ensemble Pro Audio Inputs with Reaper - clicks and distortion
I'm using Reaper and Vienna Ensemble Pro 7 with a UFX. When I insert VE Pro Audio Inputs into Reaper, the audio that returns to Reaper from VE Pro contains ticks, pops, and sometimes gross distortion.
I've worked with Vienna Symphonic Labs technical service and checked all the settings in VE Pro and Reaper. Nothing seems to make any difference EXCEPT the Buffer Size settings for the UFX. If I take that all the way to 2048 samples, the distortion stops but there are still occasional ticks and pops. Lower Buffer Size settings are worse.
My CPU is an i9-7940X (14 physical cores). My OS is on an SSD, Reaper and VE Pro are on an SSD RAID 0 array (Highpoint). I'm using 64 GB or RAM. Disabling WiFi or Ethernet does nothing, nor does changing from Background priority to Applications priority. This computer never breaks a sweat any other time, I only have this kind of problem with the application I described above.
Performance Monitor in Win 10 shows that the CPU load is 5-6%, and that the load is reasonably spread out through all 28 virtual cores. Disk usage is also well within capacity. LatMon reports that everything is fine.
I doubt that this has anything to do with UFX driver, but I hope someone may have some suggestions based on what I've offered above.
Thanks in advance!