1 (edited by ramses 2020-06-13 10:50:03)

Topic: Comment field for TM FX channels, snapshots, Workplace Quick Select

I don't know if you feel the same way sometimes, but if you have set up some more complicated routings with loopback, special EQ settings for a submix, etc. in TotalMix, then it can happen that a few weeks or months later you don't know exactly what's going on anymore and have to reverse engineer your own settings.

Similar thing for Snapshots and Workplace Quick Select. I am missing also there the possibility, to be able to document a little more verbose, for what purpse it was exactly.

Sure, also doable yourself as Excel Job, but maybe it could be easier and more comfortably by introducing comment fields in TM FX.

I would wish for comment fields for each
- channel
- snapshot
- workspace quick select slot.

The implementation effort is maybe even not too hard, if its being designed in a nice and clever way. Too many GUI changes could e.g. be avoided by placing a comment button behind the wrench symbol, because there is still room left.
The config file format could perhaps be extended easily by having comments at the very end of the config file.

Also such a comment pop-up window does not need many efforts: free text and then three buttons: copy, paste, delete.
- copy/paste to be able to copy/paste similar text between channels
- delete to delete a comment in one sweep

How to use the comment information once its in ?

1. As a report function

- to be either in Text of Excel CSV format
- to list each HW Input / SW Playback / HW output channel or only those which have a comment

Format: potentially 4 fields:
Snapshot name (like you see on TM FX title bar); snapshot number (1-8); channel name; Comment

Once you have such a report you can either copy / paste it to Excel (or to a similar tool) or import the CSV file.
Then you can work in Excel to format it as you like and even print your documentation nicely.
On RME side no further efforts, simply provide this report wink

2. to visualize on the GUI
Maybe a button on the right side of TM FX to enable/disable (toggle) the display of comments, if there is one, if you move with the mouse over a TM FX channel.

3. maybe additional Reset Mix options needed
To delete all comments or maybe with a selection box compareable to "Channel Layout", what comments to delete

4. An advanced comment editor to be able to perform many comment changes in an efficient way
One "big Editor window" to be able to edit all comments at once, please also with copy/paste button.
There will surely be use cases,  where this is the way to get many comment changes quickly implemented, like
e.g. for
- a certain range of channels
- if you copy snapshot 1 to snapshot 2 and want to copy over the comments of snapshot 1 to snapshot 2

This is an example where I would say, not to change too many things like the current "save snapshot" function.
Lets handle comments in a different way, so that not too much mature code in TM FX needs to be changed.

5. in terms of snapshot and workplace quick select
Easy implementation in a similar fashion.

Especially the CSV export would be "killer" to easily get a proper documentation of all of your saved Snapshots.

EDIT1: addition
6. Enhanced report even including Gain, Loopback, Instr, Phantom Power, FX settings
When thinking further, then an enhanced CSV export including even more settings like gain,
FX settings (EQ, FX) would be cool.

I am e.g. currently thinking of re-doing re-designing my TM FX setup. It would help to have the settings in documented form to easily get information how the settings initially were. Maybe not for this round of re-arrangement but for the next. How were the EQ settings, for what purpose I used loopback in this channel, why that routing, etc ...

What do you think about that ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10