1 (edited by dxmachina 2020-07-21 00:37:40)

Topic: UFX+ Clicking on Multiple Software Outputs

Hi guys,

I've been having a very bad issue with my UFX+ connected to my 2014 Trash Can Mac Pro via Thunderbolt. Running 10.15.6 on a 12-core with 64GB RAM. The UFX+ is less than a year old.

In all audio apps I'm getting frequent but seemingly random audible clicking coming out of multiple software outputs (even those not currently having any audio sent through them).

Here I am holding a single note in a sampler and you can see the problem in TotalMix show up a bunch of times:

https://www.dropbox.com/s/m2dbnc02umfs4 … s.mp4?dl=0

I'm running the latest firmware (105) and driver (1.12) and have done my best to try and discover any source of interference (tried removing other devices until down to bare bones). Also tried reinstallation of drivers. No luck.

I'm a longtime RME user (nearly 20 years) and have never had any problems like this.

What can I do to resolve?
