Topic: Cubase 10.5 crashes with Babyface Pro when changing sample rate
After a recent PC build with Windows 10 Pro, my Babyface Pro is crashing Cubase 10.5 when I change the Cubase project sample rate from 44.1Khz to 96Khz (the rate all my Cubase projects use). This was working fine on my previous build with Windows 7. I also have an ASUS Xonar Phoebus card installed for movies/games, but this was also included in my previous setup with no problems? I can change the sample rate using the Phoebus fine. Could it be a problem because I now have to plug my Babyface into USB 3 ports (crashes on both 3.1 and 3.2 ports)?
I have found a strange workaround that is not sustainable - where if I connect the Babyface to one USB port, wait for Cubase to crash, disconnect the Babyface and connect it to another USB port (when I launch Cubase I get a warning that it can't connect to the Babyface's inputs and outputs) but I can change the project to 96Khz and re-assign the inputs/outputs in Cubase and Cubase seems to work fine after that. However this process has to be followed everytime I open Cubase.
I have crash logs for Cubase if that helps? I also updated the Babyface Pro's firmware and drivers to the latest versions before installing Cubase.
Any help greatly appreciated, as it's stopping all my studio work.