1 (edited by compoco 2020-08-21 05:14:05)

Topic: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Hello all, I have two DigiFace USB units here, one that I own (serial #23953777) and another that I am borrowing for testing this issue (serial #23922557). The clock on the one I own simply will not stay synced on ADAT 1 for more than 10-15 seconds at a time. It will toggle to "lock" for a moment and then back to "sync" again over and over. All of the other 3 ADAT in/outs sync up fine with the Behringer ADA8200s I am using, and when I switch to the other DigiFace USB unit ADAT 1 stays synced just fine. On the unit giving me issues, this seems to only happen at 48khz sample rate.

- I am on Windows 10
- Using the latest driver 0.9722 <-- though it was doing this on the previous driver too.
- I am on firmware rev 14
- Clock is set to internal
- All ADA8200s are set to external clock via ADAT

I have tried
- Different ADAT cables, issue persists
- Switching which ADA8200 is connected to ADAT 1, issue persists
- Updating (reinitializing?) the firmware rev 14, issue persists
- Downgrading to firmware rev 13, issue persists
- Moving the cables (and connected ADA8200) from ADAT 1 to ADAT 4 <- it locks up on ADAT4 just fine. The issue is not with any of the ADA8200 units.

It is ONLY ADAT 1 that is giving me this problem, and only at 48khz sample rate. Again, the second DigiFace USB I have for testing locks up at any sample rate just fine on any/all ADAT ports.

Any ideas? Do I just have a defective unit? I would appreciate any advice or further troubleshooting.

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Does this also happen with only one 8200 connected, and also if you try this with the 8200 as clock master? Are all ADAT I/O connected both ways? Please provide a screenshot of the settings dialog.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

3 (edited by compoco 2020-08-21 14:41:39)

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Thank for the prompt reply!

It does continue to happen when only one ADA8200 is connected. Both ADAT inputs and outputs are connected to each ADA8200 so the DigiFace USB can be set as master clock.

Also, I noticed the LED on the front blinking when it loses sync on ADAT1 even when my computer is powered off, so it is not a computer/driver issue either.

I have not yet tried setting the ADA8200 as master clock but I can try that tonight.

In the settings dialog all I/O are set to ADAT, not SPIDIF, clock is set to internal, and all sync status stay synced up except ADAT1.

This thread mentions at the very end that an Optical receiver can be “out of spec”. Maybe my DigiFace is having a similar problem?:


4 (edited by compoco 2020-08-22 04:51:54)

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

DigiFace set as master clock, All I/O connected, no stable sync at 48khz

DigiFace set as master clock, single I/O connected, still no stable sync at 48khz

Single ADA8200 set as master clock, no other I/O connected, still no stable sync at 48khz

^ In all cases above it will go back and forth between synced for 5-15 seconds then lock for 1-2 seconds over and over again, usually with an audible click in several of the channels on the I/O connected to ADAT 1

Using the same I/O on a different ADAT port yields stable sync at both 44.1 and 48khz. What do you think? Thanks for your help!


Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Here is a new firmware that you could try with the DF USB which does not work reliably with the Behringer on port 1. Win and Mac FUT available. Note: this is not a release, and can be flashed back to the release any time.

http://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_d … in_v15.zip

http://www.rme-audio.de/downloads/fut_d … ac_v15.zip

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

So far so good with that new v15 firmware!! Been bouncing back and forth between sessions at 44.1khz and 48khz and everything seems to be stable now. I have to say this is above and beyond. Was not expecting to get early access to a beta firmware. I work at Sweetwater and always love recommending RME stuff. Everything just works and even when small hiccups like this happen there is a swift solution. You guys rock. cool cool cool


Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Thanks! Please continue testing. The new firmware includes an improved compatibility for shaky ADAT input signals, originally developed for the RayDAT card. While I suspect the ADAT 1 input TOSLINK to be out of spec, the new firmware is able to handle such deviations better. If that brings a reproducable advantage it would be good for everyone, of course.

Matthias Carstens

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Will do! I’ll report back if ADAT 1 starts acting up again or if any other issues pop up.

I assume that as long as it shows “sync”, it doesn’t matter that ADAT 1 is slightly out of spec because the PLL is able to correct for any deviation? I certainly can’t hear any change in the audio. No clicks or pops now that everything is synced.

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

The pll is not even needed since it runs on internal. Where it does matter is the devices you use for  ad and da. They must sync to the RME clock. As you use it now your rme just sends and receives digital data. Clock quality matters at the ad and da stages.
But rest assured your rme sends it nice clock, lol, let's hope your 8200 have noce pll's too.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

I've found that if the cable/connector plugged in to ADAT 1 gets physically moved/gently wiggled around while connected then it will lose sync briefly (only at 48khz) and go back and forth between lock & sync until it is left alone. This does not happen if any of the other optical connectors are moved in the same manner. ADAT 1 is definitely sensitive and can lose sync even with the new beta firmware, but only when you try and make it act up. Besides that it has been stable for a week now!


Re: DigiFace USB clock won't stay synced on ADAT 1

Maybe it's not the socket - try to swap cables. This might be a connector difference. I have lots of wrongly dimensioned and cut optical cables that show such sub-standard performance.

Matthias Carstens