Topic: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Hello everyone

I am currently having compatibility issues with an RME Digiface USB and a Mackie SDR 24/96.

I normally make multitrack recordings of hardware from my Mackie 24•8 to my Mackie SDR. I then either mix back off of the SDR or take the WAVs off via USB and then edit in the DAW.

I purchased the Digiface USB with the intention of directly recording or playing back up to 24 channels at once using my DAW (Digiface > SDR > 24•8 or  24•8 > SDR > Digiface).

I have connected the Digiface to the SDR and set the I/O input type to ADAT on the SDR with the SDR as the clock source and the sample rate at 44.1k.

When I monitor the channels (with or without audio playing) there are constant pops and clicks. This happens at 44.1 and 48k. However when I up the sample rate to 88.2 or 96k the pops and clicks disappear but I am only able to use half the channels on the SDR (12 not 24).

I have attempted to use the RME as the clock source (using RME Digiface USB) but the menu on the SDR says ‘Chase needs internal clck’ and will not read the clock.

I think I’ve tried most configurations but wanted to know if anyone has a similar setup or could share any insights? I’ve read the SDR isn’t very stable at 44.1 but thought 48k may have solved my issue. I am unable to run RME DIGICheck as it hasn’t been updated to 64-bit yet.

I appreciate 24 channels is a luxury, but thought this would be a good solution to incorporate my DAW. It looks like the next option up would be an antelope orion 32 which look great but comes at a price.

Thanks in advance, specifics below:

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)
Processor 3.1 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7
Memory 16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3

Ableton Live 10 Standard (10.1.9)

RME Digiface USB Firmware v13 Driver v3.18

Totalmix FX v1.63 Mac OSX

Mackie SDR 24/96 1.1-1.2.4

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Austen wrote:

I am unable to run RME DIGICheck as it hasn’t been updated to 64-bit yet.

In the DIGICheck forum you can find DIGICheck NG for Mac (64-bit), which is not final yet, but preview versions are available.

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Thank you breun, I’ll check that out

4 (edited by Austen 2020-09-30 21:03:44)

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Currently only 1—8 plugged in and SDR as clock source, the meter readings are reflecting the audio clicks and pops I am hearing


5 (edited by Austen 2020-09-30 21:08:01)

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Tested at 96k with only 1—8 plugged in and SDR as clock source, and there are no audio clicks or pops


Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

You could try the current driver version 3.19.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Thank you MC, for some reason I had downloaded the older ones from the archive site thinking they were the latest.

Tested with 3.19 and still having the same issues.

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Is there a way to change the buffer size on the Fireface USB settings?

I have posted this issue on Gearslutz and it was recommended there.

I tried multiple buffer sizes via Ableton and it didn’t solve the issue.


Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

On Mac the application sets the buffer size.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Austen wrote:

Currently only 1—8 plugged in and SDR as clock source, the meter readings are reflecting the audio clicks and pops I am hearing


Why does the input status read 88.2khz? Is that not the cause? If 8 44.1k channels are interpreted as 4 channels smux?

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Hi vinark, yes this looks a little odd.

I can use all 8 channels at 44.1k and it isn’t SMUXed into 4.

The Sample rate dropdown int the RME settings adjust automatically to correctly reflect the sample rate I select on the SDR.

I’ve tried it at 48k where I’m having the same issue and the Optical in Sync also displays a different value. I don’t know where/how I could change this on the SDR.

Re: RME Digiface USB and Mackie SDR compatibility issues

Thank you for all the advice.

I’m going to return the RME as it doesn’t work with my Mackie SDR as I would like.

It’s a shame as it’s a great little box at a good price and hear only good things about TotalMix and the stability of the RME drivers.

I’ll probably look to upgrade to a standalone 24 ch audio interface in the future.