Topic: Increase the input of UFX II with FF800 as ADAT?


I really need your suggestions and I'd be appreciated for your help.

I have a UFX II. I need more inputs. Can I use a RME FF800 or Apogee Ensemble (old version) for ADAT only to increase my analog inputs? Is it possible? I am planning this because second hand RME FF would be better option for me for the wallet.

2 (edited by fl 2020-10-17 15:59:23)

Re: Increase the input of UFX II with FF800 as ADAT?


You'd have to configure the FF800 first, connected to your computer via Firewire, then routing its analog inputs to its ADAT outputs in TotalMix, and saving this configuration to its internal memory so that it is retained after you've disconnected it from the computer and made the ADAT connection to your UFX.

Due to the limitations of ADAT, you will only be able to use eight channels per ADAT connection (the FF800 has two available) at the lower sample rates - 44.1 or 48kHz. - or four channels each at 88.2 or 96, and two each at 192. Details are in the manual, which I believe can be obtained as a PDF download from RME if your used unit does not come with it.

Frank Lockwood
Fireface 800, Firmware 2.77
Drivers: Win10, 3.125; Mac, 3.36

Re: Increase the input of UFX II with FF800 as ADAT?

fl wrote:


You'd have to configure the FF800 first, connected to your computer via Firewire, then routing its analog inputs to its ADAT outputs in TotalMix, and saving this configuration to its internal memory so that it is retained after you've disconnected it from the computer and made the ADAT connection to your UFX.

Due to the limitations of ADAT, you will only be able to use eight channels per ADAT connection (the FF800 has two available) at the lower sample rates - 44.1 or 48kHz. - or four channels each at 88.2 or 96, and two each at 192. Details are in the manual, which I believe can be obtained as a PDF download from RME if your used unit does not come with it.

Thank you so much for your fast help!

I've already installed UFX II software (drivers, total mix..etc). Do I need to uninstall UFX II software and then install FF800, then install UFX II again?


Re: Increase the input of UFX II with FF800 as ADAT?

Hmmm, good question as I've never personally had to deal with that particular situation. However, I believe that it's the same "Settings" software that is used to configure both the FF800 and the UFX - at least up to version 3.125 - with the choice made via a pop-up menu near the top of the window to determine which unit you're configuring. Same deal with TotalMix - you just have to choose which unit you intend, before you adjust anything. Once you've made the routing setting, you save it to the internal memory of the FF800 so that you only need to connect it via ADAT to make the FF800 a "front end" for the UFX.

That said, either MC will chime in here with the straight poop, or you could contact RME support directly.

Frank Lockwood
Fireface 800, Firmware 2.77
Drivers: Win10, 3.125; Mac, 3.36