Topic: ADI-2 FS vs integrated amp DAC
Hello once more,
I have a case where a humble 60 watts but good sounding amp is driving my monitors.
Currently the integrated DAC is converting the optical spdif from RME Digiface USB.
Now with the ADI-2 what I found on my recent search for A to D conversion, I intend to use the ADI-2 FS not only as ADC but also DAC therewith it becomes "external DAC" connected to the amplifiers analog side.
Possible to answer if the ADI-2 as external DAC, comparing this to internal DAC, will add quality or stability in the stero image? I know that any conversion benefits from a good conversion, but this is replacing possibly apples with apples.
Some thought:
from hifi vendors: I find it difficult to assess "smoother, more precise and more dynamic" without DAC specs.
Does anyone have an opinion or experience with this?