Topic: SideChain Comp in totalmix UFX ?

I wonder if sidechain on compressors is a difficult thing to include in the total mix?

I know this is not a request for standard sound card.
But the integration of this function could be a great addition for producers of electronic music like me.

thank you in advance for your answer

Re: SideChain Comp in totalmix UFX ?

just bumping to say this would be useful. i built one in max / msp that sends midi to total mix, but it'd be nice to have everything in one place in terms of recall and i suspect latency and such would be better.

Re: SideChain Comp in totalmix UFX ?

This would be a game changer for me and many users. Please RME, would you consider adding this?

4 (edited by 4ndrw 2021-07-06 05:07:08)

Re: SideChain Comp in totalmix UFX ?

Another voice to the chorus

Would be a game changer for synth heads doing hardware jams

I’m an ex fireface UC owner, currently have the babyface Pro and thinking of upgrading to the UCX II

Any chance we could have some kind of volume ducking effect in total mix?

I love jamming with hardware again after being mostly in the box for a few years, adding the totalmix reverb and delay to a dry analog synth is really nice, but the main thing I miss is having my synths duck out of the way of my kicks. It’s a staple of many modern electronic genres.

It would be so elegant to be able to have this handled internally, especially with the onboard recording features in some of your interfaces.

I love that total mix can do away with the need for a hardware mixer in many setups.

In my DAW I have plugins that do multi band ducking from a midi trigger (currently use shaperbox), but something more rudimentary onboard would still excite me and I’m sure many others.

(Single band, audio triggered standard sidechain compression or better yet, midi triggered with a basic or custom volume envelope)

Re: SideChain Comp in totalmix UFX ?

Anyone know if the OSC implementation of totalmix could deal with the amount of data from volume ducking a fader on the beat?

Or is that crazy talk?