Topic: MIDI tracks are recorded late in protools

i use midi to trigger external hardware. in the past i had latency problems with focusrite interfaces, and i decided to get into RME as in forums it is said that they have excellent windows drivers. now i have a fireface uc with far better results, but i have some questions regarding latency and DAW configuration.

when recording both midi and audio in Pro Tools a noticeable offset is seen, the audio from these external device IS recorded correctly, but the midi is recorded LATE. i use direct monitoring through totalmix with no latency while listening
i attach screenshots with buffer settings of 256 a 512, as different settings give different results 
with 256 i have 8ms offset, which is acceptable, but the buffer is too low for my proyect and i have dropouts
with 512 i have about 25ms offset

just to comparte i made the same procedure with cubase. it gives me 10ms offset between audio and midi, but in this case, midi is recorded EARLIER. cubase tests gives same results for for 256 and 512 buffer settings

my questions:
1 - is there something i can do to make protools work like cubase? (same behaviour for different buffer settings)
2 - in the case of cubase, is it possible to lower the latency a little bit?

my interface is fireface uc
protools is version 12.5
cubase version is 8.5
os is Win10

ProTools 512 buffer

ProTools 256 buffer


Re: MIDI tracks are recorded late in protools

Seems like you need to get a patch for Pro Tools … -bug-fixes

  • Fixed an issue where buffer size changes caused unpredictable delay compensation when recording MIDI and bus-recording audio from a virtual instrument at the same time

  • Fixed an issue that prevented correct delay compensation of simultaneous live recording of MIDI and Audio from an external device

  • Fixed an issue where H/W Buffer Size changes did not update the MIDI Thru latency for externally connected MIDI devices until closing and re-opening the session

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.