1 (edited by phielsagend 2020-12-28 17:37:44)

Topic: Using the Babyface together with Zoom H6

i m relatively new to the technical side of USB Interfaces/Routing/etc.

i have the "standard" USB 2.0 Babyface and for a Ableton Liveset i now need more than its 2 microphone preamps.
Thus i thought about using the Zoom H6 for this purpose: Being able to have more Microphone Inputs for my PC.
But: Since i am on Windows, there doesn't appear to be a solution for having 2 audio-interfaces activated at the same time, right (only maybe with ASIO4ALL drivers, but using those instead of RME Drivers would be so much pain)?
Or is there a possibility to use the Zoom H6 as additional USB Audiointerface, and somehow directing its Audio-Output into the Babyface?
The Ableton Support Page is talking about a "multi device mode" which some audiointerfaces might have... i have no clue what that implies, and if the RME Drivers maybe have that? https://help.ableton.com/hc/de/articles … e-Devices-
Or is there only the possibility to use the analog "line out" of the Zoom H6, and put it into the Babyfaces Line-In? -> If that's the only way, ... how much of signal-loss/worse microphone sound should i expect with that solution?

Best greetings Phil

Re: Using the Babyface together with Zoom H6

Most DAWs can only take signals from one audio interface. I would be tempted to go the easy route and physically connect them. I wonder if you made the zoom the windows default for sound and then used the loop back to get the sound back into the BabyFace. I haven’t tried that so no idea if it will work. Let me know if it does as it could come in useful.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.