Topic: UFX+ power supply

Good morning,
Since a few days I'm experiencing some troubles with my UFX+. For a few minutes after turning it on, the sound level is very low. After 5-10minutes it suddenly increases to a normal level.
I guess it's a PSU problem, but before opening it and check the caps (the waranty is already past) I would like to know if somebody experienced this kind of problem on an UFX+.


Re: UFX+ power supply

I figured the same issue after the RME up and running for 6 years+ continuously almost.  Got the PSU replaced by Synthax (distributor in Germany) against a fee well worth it; since then it is running like a charm again.
love be honest I am astonished how equipment can run that well without problems these days.

Re: UFX+ power supply

thanks for the Synthax advice. But... no, a faulty PSU after 3 years of moderate use is not what I would call a very reliable product. Especially since I've read that this is a known problem with earlier products, I would have expected from such a company as RME to improve it for their later "flagship" UFX+.
Anyway, it's not my first RME and never experienced any troubles with my FF400, quadmic and UCX so I don't want to complain too much.
So I will probably order  a new PSU from Synthax or SFB electronics. I may also replace the caps (if as I think it's the problem) of my faulty PSU with higher quality ones. So if someone has the specs for UFX+ PSU's caps, I would be more than happy to know. It's easy to find the info for the UFX's PSU but no luck yet for the UFX+.