1 (edited by MatthewMontreal 2021-01-11 23:08:01)

Topic: OSX Accessibility > Audio > Play Stereo Audio as Mono behaves oddly.

Hi all,

I'm on OSX 10.14.6 + Babyface and have had ear problems lately that have me switching the computer to mono regularly. If I go to Accessibility > Audio > Play Stereo Audio as Mono it appears to just shift the stereo field a bit to the left instead of making it mono.

Is this a known bug?


p.s. I know I can mono things in TotalMix but I need to switch for all drivers at once.

Babyface, Macbook Pro 2015, OSX 10.14.6

Re: OSX Accessibility > Audio > Play Stereo Audio as Mono behaves oddly.

It's a known bug in Mac OS, that setting has never really worked as far as I have seen.

In any event, not something that RME can fix on our side.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: OSX Accessibility > Audio > Play Stereo Audio as Mono behaves oddly.

Seems to fold to mono fine through the built-in driver/headphones, though as I said my ears are a bit censored right now.

Babyface, Macbook Pro 2015, OSX 10.14.6