Topic: UFX missing WDM playback device after firmware and driver update

I was recently getting strange behavior from my UFX(usb), every so often there would be clicks and pops, then the sound would get metallic and freeze the application( Ableton for example. but also video games).

I decided to look for a driver and firmware update after trying various usb ports and cables. The driver and firmware update have removed any WDM devices showing. ASIO works perfect and the clicks and pops seem to be gone.

I have read that other devices have settings for activating WDM. This was never the case previously on the UFX drivers. I have done my best to check the fireface usb settings and total mix for some WDM settings with no luck.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Re: UFX missing WDM playback device after firmware and driver update

gkozi wrote:

I have done my best to check the fireface usb settings... for some WDM settings....

It's exactly there. Since 2014.

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX missing WDM playback device after firmware and driver update

I'm so blind(it was 2am). I have updated the drivers and firmware several times with having to adjust this. But hey all is solved thank you for the speedy response.