Topic: UFX II Internal mixing?

I was just reorganising my audio gear and was thinking of making good use of my I/O by putting more outboard gear in more loops instead of plugging stuff in every time I switch sources. Then in Totalmix I can have an incoming source signal get routed back out to a unit, then back in the UFX, then route out to another unit, back in, maybe out to another, then record the results of that. Rather than plugging stuff in and out all the time, would mean I can just choose what to use and what outboard things are in my signal chain by just using the flexible routing in TotalMix, and don’t have to move wires about.

But then I was thinking, is the internal mixing analog or digital? I presume it’s digital? So would that mean me going:
In - a to d
Out to unit 1 - d to a
In from unit 1 - a to d
Out to unit 2 - d to a
In from unit 2 - a to d
Out to unit 3 - d to a
In from unit 3 - d to a

So is this ease of plan actually meaning instead of a single A to D conversion process, I’d be adding an additional 6 analog to digital or vice-versa steps, and hence be unnecessarily degrading my audio, when I could just wire all the stuff up out front, then just record the lot in with a single conversion process?

I guess it’d add some latency too, although I presume not nearly as bad as going into a computer and back out, so I assume that’s pretty much negligible. But I can’t see 6 unnecessary extra conversions doing the signal quality a world of good? Thoughts?

2 (edited by vinark 2021-01-30 14:36:17)

Re: UFX II Internal mixing?

Use your ears not your brain lol.
If you where an audiophile, you would think, OMG it is going through 6 interlinks (that is audio cables for us mortals) that are not made of pure silver and cost 600$ each.  It will sound like %^#^#^ but it does not. same with six adda conversions. Why don`t you just try it, or re-record a song 6 times through your adda and hear how it sounds.
And let us know...
You could even set up a chain of all your ADDA`s and do it in 1 time.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

3 (edited by vinark 2021-01-30 16:06:45)

Re: UFX II Internal mixing?

lightbox wrote:

Multiple stages of ADDA can cause audible issues if the outboard gear introduces any form of saturation/distortion.

why ?? It (outboard gear) will add this anyway and maybe intentional, through ADDA or not.

I agree with the a patchbay being very useful!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: UFX II Internal mixing?

Depending on what you are doing with your gear, this is one reason bus and parallel mixing is helpful - you do not run the entire signal out and through a piece of gear, you simply bring up the wet contribution on a bus, leaving the original signal unchanged and still in-the-box.