Topic: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Hi all

I'm hoping that the issue here is me and not a limitation of my 9632 audio interface smile

I am trying to configure routing as per the below diagram. I am having some issues, namely:

1) I don't seem to be able to route the headphone output (using breakout cable), it appears to be only routed from Analog 1/2 output

2) I don't seem to be able to route both my Analog 1/2 input and S/PDIF input to a single WDM device (for streaming).

So my questions, to start with are:

1) Is it possible to specify which input channels are routed to the headphones? (using cable RME-BO9632CMKH)

2) Is it possible to route specific inputs to a WDM device for streaming? E.g. both my music input and microphone, and also any software playback on the pc with the 9632 installed in

I would prefer not to require something like vb-meter/banana as I was hoping TotalMix would do everything smile

Thanks in advance for your comments

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Yes Totalmix. You have to do it in Totalmix.

Have you watched the Totalmix-school-videos ?

I can start to tell you where to push a button and so on, but without the proper background of this videos you end up in the mud.

You will learn it quick, the trick for the WDM device is loopback of output 1/2 as most apps use the In 1/2 only.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 07:05:46)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Yes all of this is possible.

For a basic setup / intro you can have a look at my TM FX primer … rnal-equi/

and a collection of great RME tutorial videos that are informative / short / to the point … al-Videos/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

4 (edited by rm_sjo 2021-02-18 07:16:36)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

ramses wrote:

Yes all of this is possible.

For a basic setup / intro you can have a look at my TM FX primer … rnal-equi/

and a collection of great RME tutorial videos that are informative / short / to the point … al-Videos/

Are you are sure? Reading through the first link states "Phones1: PH 9/10 (depending on the recording interface)" - I don't have that, as such. Under assign for Phones 1 I get options AN1/2, Spdif and the ADAT channels only.

So my first question is how do I hear different on the phones than AN1/2? (Studio monitors)

Thanks for the links, I'll continue reading through

5 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 07:33:55)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

I took my recording interface only as an example. Check in Total Mix FX(TM FX), how the name of your phones output is, so that you can assign it to the control room as "Phones 1" using the "Assign" button in TM FX (on lower right in the control room).

A list of HW Output channels you see in TM FX (3-row view) in the bottom row, from left to right.
The same channels you see also when
- clicking to the "Assign" Button in the control room
- selecting submenue "Phones1" by moving mouse pointer over it
- see the selection of channels for "Phones1"

For analog outputs RME chooses usually a name scheme like "AN"x (mono), "AN"x/y for stereo channels.
And there is also a certain order ...  Analog channels are listed first, then phones channels, ADAT, MADI

So its quite easy to guess what analog output ports ("Hardware Output ANx/y") the phones channels are.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

6 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 07:44:05)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

As you own an interface, that is in the market since longer time, it contains still a description of the old version of TM FX (TotalMix) which was the latest and greatest, when the product had been released.

Its common practise to look then into the manual of a later product, then you have the pictures and functionality of the latest version of "TotalMix FX", e.g. this one here:

There are small differences in TM FX between the products, why there is no separate "TM FX manual".
So if you do not find something on your recording interface, it might be a product specific thing.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Thanks Ramses. I will take a look.

I guess one thing I need to find out is what the product specific limitations are for the actual interface I have.

8 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 07:55:56)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

rm_sjo wrote:

Thanks Ramses. I will take a look.

I guess one thing I need to find out is what the product specific limitations are for the actual interface I have.

Sorry I have no good example for such a difference. From memory its not that much.
One for shure .. the FX section (FX chip is only on BBF Pro (partial implementation), UCX, 802, UFX, UFX II, UFX+
and the only PCI/PCIe card with TM FX is the HDSPe MADI FX.
The rest is the same especially in terms of operation.
I would not worry too much on this point tbh.

Basic operation is always the same.

Your tasks are not that much:
- Assign Monitor and Phones outputs to "Main Out" and "Phones1", this moves the outputs to the control room section. Why ? So that you can use control room functions as mute, dim, etc ..

And the routing is not more than
- ensure that you are in submix mode (check button on the right in the light blue area)
And then to route something to a particular output:
1. click to that output channel in the bottom row (HW Outputs)
2. move fader of HW Inputs and SW Playback channels to create the perfect submix for you for this particular output.

Therefore as output you can also call a submix, hence the name, submix mode.

So you can have as many submixes as you have HW outputs (bottom row).

The different rows of TM FX have these purposes
- top      :  The HW inputs, everything is recorded "as is" unaltered, you can change this in driver settings
- middle :  Audio coming from PC (Windows Audio, Applications, DAW) either from ASIO or WDM driver
- bottom: HW Outputs

Windows has one special thing ... Windows OS itself and typical windows applications have no ASIO support.
For OS and those non-ASIO aware applications you have to create WDM channels.

As I need this only for my main monitors I create only a WDM device for that. In the driver settings there is a Button to create WDM devices, create only WDM devices for ports for that you need it.
There is a 2nd TAB "Speakers", select/mark there which WDM device shall be the speaker device.
Based on that selection you find then in Windows Audio the proper entry for Speaker Device, which you make there to the Windows Default Sound device.

Thats it more or less all for a good start. Rest see my primer, the videos, the manual.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Hi Ramses,

Yes I understand the concepts of the submix vs free routing mode. Watched all the videos and tested. I understand how to route inputs to outputs.

With regards to the Phones1 output, this is what I see in TotalMix FX:

As you can see I can only select Analog 1/2 or SPDIF, and Analog 1/2 is being used for my studio monitors and as such I do not want to route my microphone to Analog 1/2 as per my routing diagram in the first post.

It doesn't seem to matter which I select for "Phones 1", the output is always identical to whatever Analog 1/2 output has. Do you know if this is a limitation of the card I have?

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Sorry I only read this now (and not everything Ramses said). But the phones of the HDSP9632 is tied to analog1/2. This card (and I have 2) has only one DAC and it goes to analog outs and phones.
If you need separate phones output, you need an extra dac and connect it to spdif or adat. This can be done cheaply, simple or complex or hi-end expensive depending on your needs and budget.
Come to think of it, I might use my unused old dat recorder for this purpose, if I can found the courage to search for it in my storage.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

11 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 08:56:21)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Thanks Vinark, meanwhile I found in the manual, page 17..

"The volume at the headphone output can be adjusted separately from the Line output. The signal
can be lowered by 6 or 12 dB, or completely switched off via Mute."

So you can set only a volume offset in driver settings.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

vinark wrote:

Sorry I only read this now (and not everything Ramses said). But the phones of the HDSP9632 is tied to analog1/2. This card (and I have 2) has only one DAC and it goes to analog outs and phones.
If you need separate phones output, you need an extra dac and connect it to spdif or adat. This can be done cheaply, simple or complex or hi-end expensive depending on your needs and budget.
Come to think of it, I might use my unused old dat recorder for this purpose, if I can found the courage to search for it in my storage.

Thanks Vinark, that's kind of what i'd concluded, just wanted someone more informed than me to confirm!

I have a second issue though, regarding WDM, in that I don't seem to be able to present both AN1/2 and SPDIF input channels to an WDM output device together, even though I have both ticked in the config:

They do both appear individually. Assume this is another limitation, no mixing to WDM output devices? I have temporarily installed vb voice meeter to do this mixing to a virtual wdm device but I was really hoping RME/Totalmix could do this for me!

I am looking to replace my large Tascam mixing desk which was doing all this previously, but right now it's not looking like the RME solution is going to be an all-in-one unfortunately.

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

ramses wrote:

Thanks Vinark, meanwhile I found in the manual, page 17..

"The volume at the headphone output can be adjusted separately from the Line output. The signal
can be lowered by 6 or 12 dB, or completely switched off via Mute."

So you can set only a volume offset in driver settings.

Thanks, yes I had read that, but nowhere in the manual does it say Phones is tied to AN1/2 smile

I guess it's an old product now and updating the manual isn't a priority!

14 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 09:36:52)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

rm_sjo wrote:

1- I have a second issue though, regarding WDM, in that I don't seem to be able to present both AN1/2 and SPDIF input channels to an WDM output device together, even though I have both ticked in the config:
They do both appear individually. Assume this is another limitation, no mixing to WDM output devices? I have temporarily installed vb voice meeter to do this mixing to a virtual wdm device but I was really hoping RME/Totalmix could do this for me!

2-I am looking to replace my large Tascam mixing desk which was doing all this previously, but right now it's not looking like the RME solution is going to be an all-in-one unfortunately.

to 1) the purpose of WDM device creation is hardware/port access for non-ASIO aware OS and applications.
It makes sense to do that on a per port basis.
What you say is mixing of channels, this is being done in TotalMix FX.

to 2) there are other more modern RME products where monitors and phones are separated.

Please tell us your max budget and requirements and then we can tell you what other product or combination of products would be more feasible.

In terms of requirements such things as:

What computer ? CPU/DRAM/Mainboard.
Can it be USB/TB or does it need to be PCI/PCIe for some reason ?
Do you have a small solition / mobility in mind or is 19" format also ok ?
What cabling distance between recording interface and PC ? USB2 5m max, USB3 3m max, Thunderbolt 2m max
At what sample rates do you intend to record ?
Do you need (besides monitors and phones) more analog ports to connect e.g. external devices?
How many analog and digital ports do you require ? E.g.:
- How many Mic or Instrument inputs
- How many analog channels (balanced or unbalanced)
- ..
Whether other devices need to be connected through ADAT.
Whether you need MIDI or Word Clock.
How many phones outputs you need ..

Thats for example my migration from analog mixer integration to a full RME solution. Focusrite was a small chapter in between, where I never was really satisfied, but at that time I didn't know better / RME. … Rec-EN-DE/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Ramses, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my issue.

ramses wrote:

to 1) the purpose of WDM device creation is hardware/port access for non-ASIO aware OS and applications.
It makes sense to do that on a per port basis.
What you say is mixing of channels, this is being done in TotalMix FX.

Ok, so fundamentally Totalmix does not support mixing channels to WDM output devices, just straight 1:1 mapping of input channels.

ramses wrote:

to 2) there are other more modern RME products where monitors and phones are separated.

I have only just purchased this 9632 card, so not really looking to replace it with an alternative product. I chose it because of the specification (on paper), and the so-called power and flexibility of the Totalmix software. I won't lie, I am somewhat disappointed, and the lack of comprehensive documentation on these particular issues is partly responsible for me purchasing this card (that won't do what I need).

I find this extremely common in the audio field though, i've tried audio interfaces from Focusrite and others, and have similar issues. Everyone claims they have super flexible solutions but in practise there are some fundamental constraints. The fact I may have to use free 3rd software like vb voice meeter just to mix down some stuff to WDM for streaming (and streaming is BIG business these days) kind of demonstrates this.

I do appreciate people trying to help, but if you look at the first two replies the responses were "yes it will do it", well actually it won't. So I could have made a purchase decision based on that, and then found it wasn't actually fit for purpose.

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Indeed, with this device you can not loop back to wdm  or other inputs, which is what you want if I understand your diagram, but it is easily created if you want a solution, you can use your adat ports as a loopback. Just connect an optical cable from the adat in to out. Now al is possible, you can now route all inputs and software channels to an adat out, which you can select as adat in for wdm. Or you can do the same with 2 channels spdif electrical, whichever is not in use. Newer RME devices like the AIO or raydat have this build in.
You do need to know how totalmix works, but if you don't need your adat ports this is a very powerful solution.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

17 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 14:13:03)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

> Ok, so fundamentally Totalmix does not support mixing channels to WDM output devices,
> just straight 1:1 mapping of input channels.

No this is not the case.
The WDM devices are only there for compatibility to Windows and applications.
And every audio output (be it from WDM or ASIO) will arrive in TotalMix on an additional layer in between.
So you can route e.g. audio
- from Windows OS/Apps through WDM driver to AN1/2 Out
- from DAW                       through ASIO           to AN3/4 Out
These two signals will 1st appear in TM FX in the middle row as so called "Software Playback Channels AN1/2 and AN 3/4.
Now TM FX gives you the great flexibility to be able to route audio from the Software Playback Channels to the real Hardware outputs (bottom line).

And there you have the flexibility to route from any HW inputs and SW Playback channels to any HW Output as you like.

I see you are disappointed, but please do not the stupid mistake to think "now all is bad".

> I find this extremely common in the audio field though, i've tried audio interfaces from Focusrite and others, and have similar issues.

At the end, even if you didn't expect this, you could have asked here upfront in the same way that you do now or to ask your dealer or the seller if this is used gear.

> The fact I may have to use free 3rd software like vb voice meeter just to mix down some stuff to WDM for streaming (and streaming is BIG business these days) kind of demonstrates this.

Sorry that I disagree here, you didn't understand the purpose of WDM and mix this with routing in TotalMix FX. Please take your time 1st to understand basic concepts, before coming to wrong conclusions.

With RME you can build really wonderful and flexible setups that you won't find anywhere else.

But like with all things, it needs to be planned properly !!

BTW this is my setup with a great flexibility. So please do not judge wrong, only because you picked the wrong card.

And another good example of flexibility (in terms of TM FX routing and features, e.g. to build a parallel effect loop for a guitar amp using the RME recording interface) is shown here: … ec-EN-DE/?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

vinark wrote:

Indeed, with this device you can not loop back to wdm  or other inputs, which is what you want if I understand your diagram, but it is easily created if you want a solution, you can use your adat ports as a loopback. Just connect an optical cable from the adat in to out. Now al is possible, you can now route all inputs and software channels to an adat out, which you can select as adat in for wdm. Or you can do the same with 2 channels spdif electrical, whichever is not in use. Newer RME devices like the AIO or raydat have this build in.
You do need to know how totalmix works, but if you don't need your adat ports this is a very powerful solution.

Thanks vinark,

This is a very useful suggestion, I will try it out. You have really tried to understand my problem.

19 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 14:07:59)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

I also understand your problem and tried to address points where you had difficulties to understand the concept of TM FX, because it was new to you e.g. the point with the WDM devices.

As nice as the loopback cable is, it fixes not all issues that you mentioned like that the phones port is not fully separated from the analog port for monitors.

I offered you help and asked for your requirements to support you finding maybe a better suited product, but instead of trying out what we could find together you started to enter "complaining mode".  Meanwhile I was busy to document my environment to demonstrate you the flexibility of RME products including TM FX (EDIT: as you put it in question), to simply show you some possible use cases. The intention was possibly misunderstood .. anyway.

Now, seeing our comment which reads as if only vinark tried to understand you, I have a certain feeling that my services and time to explain you things are not required anymore.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

rm_sjo wrote:
vinark wrote:

Indeed, with this device you can not loop back to wdm  or other inputs, which is what you want if I understand your diagram, but it is easily created if you want a solution, you can use your adat ports as a loopback. Just connect an optical cable from the adat in to out. Now al is possible, you can now route all inputs and software channels to an adat out, which you can select as adat in for wdm. Or you can do the same with 2 channels spdif electrical, whichever is not in use. Newer RME devices like the AIO or raydat have this build in.
You do need to know how totalmix works, but if you don't need your adat ports this is a very powerful solution.

Thanks vinark,

This is a very useful suggestion, I will try it out. You have really tried to understand my problem.

The reason this is not supported in hardware on most (all) devices is that without proper special routing setup, you will get feedback loops. The thing to watch out for is that the output of the app you streaming with is not also routed to its input in totalmix.
Also do thank Ramses for his time. We are both just happy RME users trying to help others. Ramses is more specialized in making good buying decisions and using newer technology, me I am good with making older gear work.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Thanks vinark and for your proposal.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

vinark wrote:
rm_sjo wrote:
vinark wrote:

Indeed, with this device you can not loop back to wdm  or other inputs, which is what you want if I understand your diagram, but it is easily created if you want a solution, you can use your adat ports as a loopback. Just connect an optical cable from the adat in to out. Now al is possible, you can now route all inputs and software channels to an adat out, which you can select as adat in for wdm. Or you can do the same with 2 channels spdif electrical, whichever is not in use. Newer RME devices like the AIO or raydat have this build in.
You do need to know how totalmix works, but if you don't need your adat ports this is a very powerful solution.

Thanks vinark,

This is a very useful suggestion, I will try it out. You have really tried to understand my problem.

The reason this is not supported in hardware on most (all) devices is that without proper special routing setup, you will get feedback loops. The thing to watch out for is that the output of the app you streaming with is not also routed to its input in totalmix.
Also do thank Ramses for his time. We are both just happy RME users trying to help others. Ramses is more specialized in making good buying decisions and using newer technology, me I am good with making older gear work.

Yes, noted your comment about causing unwanted loops. I did thank Ramses a couple of times in this thread, but I guess that was not noticed smile I appreciate the help from both of you, but ultimately I want to solve the problem. In theory the suggestion of routing via ADAT loopback should remove the need for me to also use VB voice meeter, which will be a more elegant solution. Now to find a toslink cable!

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

ramses wrote:

I also understand your problem and tried to address points where you had difficulties to understand the concept of TM FX, because it was new to you e.g. the point with the WDM devices.

As nice as the loopback cable is, it fixes not all issues that you mentioned like that the phones port is not fully separated from the analog port for monitors.

I offered you help and asked for your requirements to support you finding maybe a better suited product, but instead of trying out what we could find together you started to enter "complaining mode".  Meanwhile I was busy to document my environment to demonstrate you the flexibility of RME products including TM FX (EDIT: as you put it in question), to simply show you some possible use cases. The intention was possibly misunderstood .. anyway.

Now, seeing our comment which reads as if only vinark tried to understand you, I have a certain feeling that my services and time to explain you things are not required anymore.

Hi Ramses,

I feel you have taken my comments personally, that was not my attention. However all I have made are factual observations, and if they are negative for a product then that may be the case. However you did reply saying it was all possible, when that wasn't correct for my uses cases stated, so whilst I thank you for taking the time to try and help, it did not translate into solving any of the issues I am experiencing.

Hopefully you will be able to reflect on this thread at a later date and realise I have not made "stupid mistakes" or am in "complaining mode". I am just a customer trying to make a product work. Sometimes things aren't black and white.

I wish you both a good day!

24 (edited by ramses 2021-02-18 14:44:11)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

It sounded like after the initial exchange of information, you were essentially just dissatisfied with RME. And when you told Vinark "You have really tried to understand my problem" then it means in reverse that only Vinark (not me) tried to understand you.
That was indeed too much for me, after I had taken a lot of private time for you and was just really busy to put together good illustrated information to you (just created the Visio for you) to demonstrate the flexibility of RME (of which you seemed to have heard of, but then actually put in question).
Let's put it this way, a misunderstanding, but that's all I have to contribute for now. Good luck.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13


Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

vinark wrote:

Indeed, with this device you can not loop back to wdm

Of course Loopback works to both ASIO and WDM input (record) devices. This is a hardware function, not a driver or OS dependent feature. Simple proof: open Sound control panel, tab Record, check the level meter beside the HDSP WDM device. Any WDM capable software should be able to use this device as input source.

rm_sjo wrote:

Ok, so fundamentally Totalmix does not support mixing channels to WDM output devices, just straight 1:1 mapping of input channels.

That statement doesn't make any sense to me. A software/app/program/DAW will play out to an audio interface's WDM output device, not an audio interface to itself. And TotalMix allows for mixing input channels and playback channels to hardware outputs, and even back to record devices (via Loopback), also via WDM, so you can easily stream that mixdown. But doing this via a 4-channel based solution (Babyface Pro...) is easier to do, as the headphone stays usable. Using the HDSP9632 for online streaming had not been a design factor when we developed it 17 years ago. If you don't want to go USB you could get a HDSPe AIO or AIO Pro, they have an independent headphone output.

rm_sjo wrote:

yes I had read that, but nowhere in the manual does it say Phones is tied to AN1/2

It does on several occasions, as does the product's website: '1 Stereo headphone output, parallel to the analog out, additional level settings'.

Matthias Carstens

26 (edited by vinark 2021-02-19 08:34:07)

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

MC Of course wdm can record an input. but he wants to record (stream) the output of another wdm app, mix it with his mic on the spdif input and DJ mixer on analog in and then stream/record that mix. IFAIK the hdsp9632 has no onboard loopback. The AIO does.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Manual page 69. Loopback is there.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

OMG MC, because my hdsp9652, my first RME did not have it, I assumed it was available from the hdspe series on and not the hdsp9632 from which I have also 2.
And to the original poster sorry about this you don`t need a adat cable, it is build into totalmix, so you bought the right card after all.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Some basic HDSP 9632 questions - help!

Hi MC, thanks for your response.

MC wrote:

That statement doesn't make any sense to me. A software/app/program/DAW will play out to an audio interface's WDM output device, not an audio interface to itself. And TotalMix allows for mixing input channels and playback channels to hardware outputs, and even back to record devices (via Loopback), also via WDM, so you can easily stream that mixdown. But doing this via a 4-channel based solution (Babyface Pro...) is easier to do, as the headphone stays usable. Using the HDSP9632 for online streaming had not been a design factor when we developed it 17 years ago. If you don't want to go USB you could get a HDSPe AIO or AIO Pro, they have an independent headphone output.

Thanks for the clarification (in response to Vinark also). I will look into the local loopback feature, and see it is covered in the manual to some degree. I do currently have the ADAT loopback working, but if I can NOT use ADAT to achieve the same then that would be more elegant and leave me option to more expansion in the future if I needed it.

The routable headphone requirement is not crucial, so I would not be looking to change to a different interface just for that. I am also constrained in that the host machine only has a PCI slot available, and a single one at that.

I didn't realise the 9632 was 17 years old - it still appears to be a current product, and dealers/resellers are still selling it, so I just took it as current.

MC wrote:

It does on several occasions, as does the product's website: '1 Stereo headphone output, parallel to the analog out, additional level settings'.

You're correct, it does state that on the website. Not sure it does in the manual though (it does mention channels 11/12, of which I don't have the AIO expansion card for), and some generic Totalmix information that suggests routable phones is a feature (although now it's been clarified that may be for other cards and not this one).

I have a separate issue with regards to noise on the AN1/2 output, but i'll create a separate topic for that. Might need a repair.