Topic: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

Hi folks,

for years I'm a very happy user of my ADI 96 Pro. I basically use it for live choir recording (with and without accompanying orchestras) and consider the NLC and especially the ALC invalueable tools for my recordings.

While the unit never failed on me (knock on wood) I am wondering what I would use in case the unit breaks. after all it is now almost 20 years in use - clearly no complaints on my part!!!

Are there newer devices which provide (look ahead) Auto Level Control and which would that be?
Or has Auto Level Control been superseeded by something different/better and what?

Last not least:
I understand the Remote Control software has never been updated to work on current Windows (post Windows XP) systems. Would it be possible to provide the old sources so that e.g. I could try to port them to Windows 10?
Or at least provide the relevant protocoll information so that I could come up with my own remote control?

Finally the ADI 96 Pro sports powerful DSP functionallity. Is it possible to get hold of the old DSP Source Code?
What type of DSP development environment would be required to play with that?

Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau


Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

We are still servicing and repairing the unit, so you might enjoy some more years with it even if it breaks.

There is no similar unit from RME anymore, and no other one has Look Ahead.

I just fired up the remote software (1999...) and it still starts under Windows 10. What is your exact problem with it?

We do not release code to the public domain, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by mgd 2019-11-18 11:56:55)

Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

Thank you for your response.

My problem with the remote control software is that I seem not be able to install it. I have saved an old ZIP Archive named (730188 bytes) dated 30.11.1999 20:00 with the installation files in it. I seem not to be able to get it to run. I installed the Windows features Legacy components and Windows-Sandbox (hoping it would help) and tried all available compatibility settings (Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) and Windows XP (Service Pack 3 and 2) as well as the WIndows 98/ME and Windows 95 settings). None worked for me.

Are there special settings and/or other features required, or is there a special Installer?

I managed to run the installer from inside Wine. At first glance the resulting adipro.exe seems to run on Windows 10 w/o noticeable problems. I now need to find my USB <-> DB9 cable...

Just want to let  you guys know I did a recording yesterday and using remote control of the ADI 96 Pro with my USB <-> DB9 cable on Windows 10 1909 worked w/o problems.

Kind regards,
Michael Gerdau

Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

mgd wrote:

Thank you for your response.
I managed to run the installer from inside Wine. At first glance the resulting adipro.exe seems to run on Windows 10 w/o noticeable problems. I now need to find my USB <-> DB9 cable...

Hi, I am considering a purchase of a used ADI-96 Pro and using it in my home studio.
The ability to use software under Windows 10 is a mus, though.
I have tried to install from (the latest from the RME site) using various compatiblility settings.
It was unsuccessful.

Could you, please elaborate more on how you employed wine to do it? I expect It runs only in Linux.
I have only Windows 10 installed in my computer. Is it possible to do it from a CD bootable Linux distribution?

Maybe there are other options?
Thank you in adbvance for your help.

5 (edited by ramses 2021-01-09 14:53:53)

Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

Just a thought, we are in 2020 now, I would propose to use a more recent product.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14


Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

Download this zip and put the folder including content into your Program folder or wherever you want. Then start adipro.exe and configure the COM port.

Only the installer doesn't work anymore, the ADI-96 software still does.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

ramses wrote:

Just a thought, we are in 2020 now, I would propose to use a more recent product.

As Matthias wrote on 2019-11-12 02:47:03:

MC wrote:

...and no other one has Look Ahead

This unit was unique when it was new and until today it has features not found anywhere else.

I love it and will use it until it breaks. There is nothing wrong with using tried and tested equipment. Newer does not automagically equal better smile

Kind regards,

8 (edited by ramses 2021-01-11 08:48:17)

Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

Good morning Michael,

I can see that the device has some really nice features that you will surely get used to in the workflow wink

Just for the sake of completeness, my comment had various reasons, I didn't just say that "flippantly". I just didn't feel like elaborating that much at the time.

Nowadays, you would do just about everything that the DSP does there on the DAW side, where there is CPU power in abundance.

Operational reasons: when using newer devices, experience shows that hardware failures and driver problems are less likely. In the event of a device failure, you would also be able to get an up-to-date replacement device more easily and would not have the pressure of having to adapt all the innovations that have arisen in the course of time in devices, features and also in the operating software (TotalMix FX) or to provide the necessary tools on the DAW side.

Apart from that, converters have also evolved over the past 20 years, and you also benefit from their features. Be it SNR/THD or less converter latency.

There are certainly a few new device features to discover as well (AUTOSET, DURec, Stand-alone mode, in stand-alone fully operatable at the device, 6 standalone profiles, ARC USB support at the device, ARC USB Support by the new TotalMix FX, ..)

Also the new TotalMix FX and TotalMix Remote are very nice improvements.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub14

Re: Status ADI 96 Pro Software and requests

MC wrote:

Download this zip and put the folder including content into your Program folder or wherever you want. Then start adipro.exe and configure the COM port.

Only the installer doesn't work anymore, the ADI-96 software still does.

Thank you very much!