Topic: Babyface pro and subpac

I have some questions about my RME Babyface pro I am hoping you can help me answer.

Basically I have a new subpac ordered, just the subpac itself not the new C1. I am also not very well versed with TotalMix FX but know its powerful, so I am not sure if this issue has to do with that.

What I am wondering, is I want to use sonarworks ideally with my Headphones on and subpac on (subpac plugged into RME headphone out, and headphone amp in other headphone out and Headphones on that -- monitors on the rear outs of RME).

From what I can tell I can only output to the same 2 stereo tracks with ableton with the RME and the Headphones and monitors are shared anyway, so what comes out for my Headphones comes out for my subpac, which means they will both be affected by sonarworks. (Otherwise I would split outputs to them like suggested).

How can I accomplish splitting these up without buying another interface? I am not super well versed in audio gear, is there a converter or something I can buy that won't be insanely expensive?

And an offshoot, from what I can tell a line level output will be mono and balanced which I think the subpac would need? Opposed to my RME headphone out which is stereo and unbalanced and has no line out? Is there a device that could allow me to address both these issues?

There also comes another issue about turning the system up as a whole, so when my subpac is on and I want to hear everything louder, a main control that would turn phones and subpac up together, and at the same time monitors (assuming I have them on at that time?). I assume I could always turn up ableton master fader but I am thinking about a mixing situation where I want to keep that level locked and use a hardware override. (The main knob of the RME seems to switch volume control based on what output is selected so when I want to do speakers with subpac I feel like there is some sorcery involved? -- as I do speakers then have hit output select, then phones + subpac separately)

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

What the hell is subpac ?
after watching internet,
Thats crazy ! it is a vibrating device putting bass vibrations to the body.
Into the body ?
Cool !
It can be connected to a signal.
So far so good !

...and the Headphones and monitors are shared anyway... ??!?!
No ! of course not !
You are routing the signal,
probably horribly wrong.
Yes, it is a Totalmix work to do.
You must watch these videos carefully !

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by linkfergu 2021-03-10 00:05:14)

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

Thanks for the reply!  I took a look through the videos.  I can route to a separate track, my only problem is I can only route to my monitor outputs AN 1/2 or both headphone outputs, and thus I can't get a separate signal on one headphone output that I can send to the subpack, they seem linked.  If I could split the outputs then I would be fine. 

The only other solution I can think of is to use a Y cable from AN 1/2 and supply both my monitors and headphone amp with that, and then my subpack connects to phones 3.5mm which I will use the channel exclusively for that?


Re: Babyface pro and subpac

linkfergu wrote:

I can route to a separate track

Tracks are in your DAW. TotalMix handles channels, inputs and outputs.

linkfergu wrote:

my only problem is I can only route to my monitor outputs AN 1/2 or both headphone outputs

No, you can route to outputs AN1/2 AND your headphone output, with fully freely set levels, panorama and EQ.

linkfergu wrote:

Headphones on and subpac on (subpac plugged into RME headphone out, and headphone amp in other headphone out and Headphones on that -- monitors on the rear outs of RME).

That is the problem. The subpac needs to be connected to the XLR outputs. But using a splitter cable for the phones out is also working, but then you need a separate volume control on the subpac to adjust the correct level of impact. It might already have one, though.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

Yes both headphone outputs have the same signal, they are parallel.
Has the headphone amp no thru-output ?
Or the monitors ?
Amps often have an output for connecting additional amps or devices.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

6 (edited by linkfergu 2021-03-10 02:21:28)

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

I see what you are saying.  I think I am not articulating properly.  I cannot pass through audio to the subpac because it cannot have sonarworks adjustment on it, so I need a fully separate track. 

I feel like I am missing an additional output and do not know how to add one. 

The AN 1/2 I want to keep routed to my monitors, ideally by themselves to I can control the volume with the RME knob when needed.  Otherwise the subpac will be jumping all over the place and makes quick comparisons hard.

The PH 3/4 I wanted to keep by itself so I can route that to my headphone amp and use sonarworks through this output (subpac cannot be on this output).

That leaves me drawing a blank as I need one more output that I can separate with no sonarworks, and that the AN 1/2 level does not affect, and feed straight to the subpac.

The only workarounds I can think of:

- Monitor controller  (AN 1/2 will feed this in one input, and then that will go to monitors and headphones at the same time, sonarworks on this output channel) (PH 3/4 - on the other input of controller - will be subpac dedicated separate mix and feed to the controller to then only feed the subpac).  This way I can retain volume control of everything even if I have to adjust the subpac on its own. 

- Trade-in for another interface that has an additional line out.

Is there any sort of add on I can get to just get another output?  This is baffling me.

7 (edited by waedi 2021-03-10 02:39:56)

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

Yes, there are such devices that ad more outputs.
In Totalmix you can see the outputs adat 1 to 8.
The outputs are already there but no analog connector.
You need an adat converter.
The cheapest one is this : … ragain.htm

I was looking for a 2-channel device but there are no.
The 8-channel Ada8200 ist the ruler.
It gives you analog connectors to all of your adat channels.
It is much more than you need at moment, but there is no smaller for cheap.
You can hook up an ADi-2 but it is much more expensive

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

Thank you for all your help I think that is my only option.

I think I will have to go with the Ada 8200. 

I feel like a monitor controller solution would work too but I think I would need at least a presonus monitor station as I hear there is lots of noise with the less expensive ones, and I am looking at similar costs between that and just getting 8 more outputs. 

ADi-2 looks awesome but I think at that cost I would just buy an apollo or something similar with more outputs, as much as I hate that.


Re: Babyface pro and subpac

Actually the signal quality sent to the Subpac is of zero concern. Get yourself a very cheap SPDIF optical to Analog DAC, below 30 bucks from Amazon etc. In TM FX then use the SPDIF output fader as fader group together with the Phones output fader.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

That is really helpful, thank you!

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

Oh damn ! I was looking only adat to analog, complete forgot to check out SPDIF to analog. … 24_192.htm
That is pretty cheap and does the job, when it works.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

The when it works part scares me lol, any quality ones you know of?  Don't mind spending a little more if it means a better unit.

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

"...when it works" because I didn't test one so far.
I had the Ada8200 and it worked very well.
There is this one :
But after that I would better take the ADI-2
In your case I would take that cheap swissonic piece.
It is a Thomann brand and has guarantee and send-back option.
Only think of the right cables.
One toslink optical cable and Cinch cables with the adapters you need.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

That is fair!  Thanks again to both of you, you have saved me a lot of frustration!

Re: Babyface pro and subpac

I know the ADA8200 works as I have one but probably a bit overkill for what you want. I got mine as I needed more outputs but I occasionally use the inputs as well for drums. Think about what you may need for the future and if you think you may need more ins and outs then it may be an option for not a lot more than a simple spdif interface. Otherwise the swissonic looks quite nice

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.