Topic: XTC + Ferrofish Pulse16MX MADI chain question
Can anyone please tell me if you can spot anything wrong with the setup below (all units connected and controlled via MADI)?:
Control room: Madiface Pro
Drum room: XTC1-XTC2
Main room: XTC3-XTC4-Ferrofish Pulse16MX (n.b. I am using the Pulse 16 only for its 16 outputs to provide monitor mixes to the artists).
- I have connected all the units up and the sync status looks OK.
- I can route audio to any unit vial TMX FX no problem (have only checked sending audio through, haven't checked recording inputs).
However, I am a little concerned because the Ferrofish says in its manual that only 4xPulse units can be daisy chained. In its set-up menu you can only set the delay comp for up to 4 units. Seeing as in my setup the Pulse is No5 in the MADI signal chain, do you think it is going to create issues with clocking, delayed signals, sample drop outs etc?
Thanks for any advice you may be able to offer.