Topic: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

I acquired a Fireface UC. No problems so far. However, my problems start with my newly acquired ADI-8 DD. Please be kind with me: I am a total noob if it comes to digital recording and its infrastructure. It's that bad that even the handbooks are of no use to me. Sorry, I am from the past. ;-)

My attempt to connect both units totally failed.

1) I connected the ADAT out (main) of the ADI-8 to the ADAT in of the UC and the ADAT in (main) to the ADAT in.

2) Fireface UC settings are according to the handbook. However, there is one setting that does not exist in the handbook:
"WDM devices: 9"

3) XLR male to TRS balanced connectors (four of them) from the  inputs (ADI) to a patch bay. XLR female to TRS balanced connectors (four) from the outputs (ADI) to a patch bay.

4) The switches on the ADI-8 are set as follows (from left to right):
Source: AES
SRC: (not active)
Clock: internal
Clock: 48kHz

Did not use the outs. However, the switches are set as folllows.
Source: ADAT
Clock: internal
Clock: 48kHz

All 8 inputs of the UC working just fine. Yet, I cannot bring any signal in (?) or out (?) the ADI-8.

Total Mix shows the following inputs:

Mic1; Mic2, AN 3 - AN 8 [= Fireface UC]; SPDIF; AS 1;  AS2; ADAT 3 - ADAT 8 [= ADI-8 DD?].

Any hint what am I doing wrong is highly appreciated!

2 (edited by waedi 2021-03-12 22:44:34)

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

This is a bit confusing.
Probably you did the connections right but writing it down here became salad ?
1) I connected the ADAT out (main) of the ADI-8 to the ADAT in of the UC and the ADAT in (main) to the ADAT in.
It should be this way with two toslink lightpipe cables :
First Toslink cable connected From ADI8-input to the UC Adat output.
Second Toslink cable connect from the ADI8-output to the UC Adat Input.

Open the program Fireface USB settings,
clock mode : set to external adat.

Under your point 4) Source: AES change this to Adat

Ok, stop and thinking for a moment.
What do you want to do exactly ?

What is your desire for having this ADI8-DD ???

3) XLR male to TRS balanced connectors (four of them) from the  inputs (ADI) to a patch bay. XLR female to TRS balanced connectors (four) from the outputs (ADI) to a patch bay.

What do you want to connect to this patchbay ?
XLR to TRS balanced cables ?
Hä !?
OK I think you are complete  lost on the wrong Autobahn you Geisterfahrer !

Your device ADI8-DD is a digital format converter and not an analog converter !
You can convert the UCs adat digital 8-channel format into AES/EBU.
This is useful for connecting digital devices like multieffectprocessors Eventide H8000 or Eventide Eclipse for example.
Those devices have AES connection (XLR connectors) and it is cool to have them in the system digitally only, without analog conversions.
Speaking of TRS balanced cables, this means you want to connect analog gear, may be some synths, keyboards etc.
If so, bring back the ADI8-DD to the sales store and try to get an ADI8-QS or an ADI8-DS or an ADA8200.
Those are analog converters with 8 Ins and 8 Outs for TRS cables.
Connection with the UC is the same.

Adat Out goes to Adat In of the other unit and wise versa.
The converter is the master ( I learned it that way) clock internal.
All other devices are slave, clock external adat input.

Short and compact Newtons Law of Adat !

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

waedi wrote:

Your device ADI8-DD is a digital format converter and not an analog converter !

Thanks for taking your time and explaining some stuff to me that I was totally unaware of!

Frankly, I thought the whole RME ADI range would be AD/DA converters. Never, cared to consider what the heck DD (Doris Day?) could mean. Now, I think, DD reads Digital to Digital - at least it could be read that way. Honestly, it never crossed my mind that a D to D converter might be needed. As I wrote above, I am from the past. Not kidding.

Focusrite Octopre Mk 2 Dynamic would be another AD/DA converter that I could use with my Fireface UC?

Again thank you, your posting have moved me a big step forward!


Geisterfahrer ;-)

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Behringer ADA8200. Less than 200$. Midas preamps. 8 in and 8 out on XLR.

The Focusrite OctoPre is analog inputs only. The analog outputs carry the signal from the mic preamps. Great if that's what you need, but lots of people think they're from the ADAT input.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

cyrano wrote:

The analog outputs carry the signal from the mic preamps.

Thanks! I was not aware of this, either.

Any alternative to the ADA8200?

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Several: If you are investing, several RMEs, ART, Presonus, Ferrofish, Audient, MOTU, Arturia...

I also noted the newest Focusrite Clarett OctoPre has 8 analog outputs from ADAT:

Sorry for the confusion. Previous ones didn't have those.


MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

cyrano wrote:

The Focusrite OctoPre is analog inputs only. The analog outputs carry the signal from the mic preamps.

I think, we misunderstood each other here. I was talking the Focusrite Octopre MkII Dynamic which feat. 8 ins and 8 outs.

Focusrite Octopre MkII  (not the "Dynamic" version) lacks the outs. … ii-dynamic

Another RME device is currently out of my budget. Maybe a Quadmic would be within my budget. Its 4 I/O would be enough for me.

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

The QuadMic is just a preamp. No AD.

My budget doesn't allow the higher end RME's either. That's why I suggested the Behringer.

I currently have 2 ADA8000 units. The predecessor of the ADA8200. They're fine, as long as you don't stack them in a rack. They do tend to get fairly hot.

I also have four Fostex VC-8s. But I wouldn't suggest these, as they are 16 bit only and have no mic preamps. Also, they're consumer-level in and out, on RCA plugs.

These are used with 2 boxes that pass 32 channels of audio over utp wiring. And a mixer that has 16 channels in and 16 out over ADAT. And 2 Macs, one with a FF400, the other with an old M-Audio FireBridge.

All that can be switched over easily, per block of 8 ADAT channels. At a distance of up to 100 meters, if needed.

I'm a bit of an ADAT nut I'm afraid. big_smile

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Thanks for your patience!

The ADA8200 is on my mind. Just want to have a look at alternatives. Yet, there does not seem to be a lot.

I would not even need mic ins. However, most of the AD/DA converter seems to go with mic ins.

ADAT is very new to me. Hence, I'm somewhat lost.

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Behringer ADA8200. Less than 200$. Midas preamps. 8 in and 8 out on XLR.
The Focusrite OctoPre is analog inputs only. The analog outputs carry the signal from the mic preamps. Great if that's what you need, but lots of people think they're from the ADAT input.

Hi Ingo
This is very important to understand !
The device has probably 8 XLR sockets on the back ( Outputs ) but they do not deliver sound from the computer.
There must be an Adat Input socket for getting computer sound.

indeed there is not a big number to choose from.
Clarette Octopre
ADI-8-QS (QS ? Quantum Supertechnology from Aliens)
Ferrofish Pulse 16

My tip ADI-8-DS if you can find a used cheap one.
And the ADA8200 ( I tested myself) is surprisingly good !
Don't be afraid of the brand name Behringer, they changed a lot in the past 15 years.
It is a Swiss/German company with own factory in China (3000 employes ! )
Get an RME unit and you will learn a lot about the analog to digital music technology and it is a big fun to receive great sounding signals.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

waedi wrote:

The Focusrite OctoPre is analog inputs only.

Yes, but I am talking about the Octopre MkII Dynamic. This one has an ADAT in that routes to the 8 analog outs of the back panel. I doubled checked with SOS review and the manual.

waedi wrote:

Clarette Octopre
ADI-8-QS (QS ? Quantum Supertechnology from Aliens)
Ferrofish Pulse 16

I will look into the Clarett Octopre.

waedi wrote:

Get an RME unit and you will learn a lot about the analog to digital music technology and it is a big fun to receive great sounding signals.

I am pretty much biased towards RME anyway. I had an Hammerfall which works like charm ever since. Unfortuanltey it needs an PCMIA connector which my current pc lacks (my notebook has started to "dissolve").Thus I bought a Fireface UC.

I could need a couple of more I/O though. Yet, given all my current expenditure I am looking for a more economical solution than the ADI 8 DS. But then I might postpone the purchase a couple of weeks. On the downside my little home studio will remain under construction for some time.

One more general question: Some ADAT interfaces such as the Focusrite come with their own software. Will this software interfere with Total Mix? Or do I just leave any e.g. Focusrite software uninstalled? Or do they live in peaceful coexistence?

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

> One more general question: Some ADAT interfaces such as the Focusrite come with their own software.

ASIO driver / Mixcontrol software are only available for "recording interfaces" where routing and
the connection to the PC takes place.

> Will this software interfere with Total Mix?

Not applicable in this case. No you can use any other driver additionaly to control the routing of another recording interface.
BUT .. a DAW can only load ONE ASIO driver .... and this will be the (better) one from RME and where you have
a much better Mixing Software (TM FX) compared to Focusrite Mixcontrol.

> Or do I just leave any e.g. Focusrite software uninstalled? Or do they live in peaceful coexistence?

For a preamp there is no mixcontrol software and no ASIO driver.
Look at the back of this device .. there is not even an USB port.
All the communication in and out happens through ADAT.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Only interfaces have software.
Pure Adat converters can not connect to computer operating systems.
You can use some multi-analog-I/O interfaces as standalone Adat converters for expanding another interface.
Then you have some unused software left.
Or you have to instal the software for short use to do some configuration for the standalone usage afterwards.
Fireface 400 is a good example.
It stores the Totalmix settings inside and can be used as adat converter.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

As I wrote earlier: I am from the past. ;-)

However, just to make sure that I got both of you right: I could connect e.g. the Focusrite via ADAT. I do not even have to care to install the Focusrite software. The Focusrite will be part of my set up via ADAT (physical connection) and TotalMix (software based routing)? That would be my prevered way to go anyway.

I am a sorry for being such a noob. However, I have learnt quite a lot from your answers.

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Again, there is no software for the Focusrite preamp.
The only driver which you need to install is the RME driver, which includes also the software TM FX.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

16 (edited by ingo12 2021-03-24 16:51:06)

Re: Fireface UC & ADI-8 DD

Thank you so much! By now I have come to terms with converters, I suppose.

What I am looking for is a plain converter which has no connection to PC / Mac but only connectors to and from an interface. Hence, such a converter has no software that needs updates or could conflict with TotalMix.

I admit it was long way to come to that conclusion. Thanks!