Topic: RME AVB Controller App: Questions and Feedback
After some testing and use of the RME AVB Controller app, I have some questions and feedback.
Text Fields - Truncated
A number of the pull down menus in the Connections section get truncated, making it difficult to have a clear understanding of what you have routed to the device.
Is there a manual available for the app? There are quite a few menu commands that I am unclear as to what they do? Reload, Reconnect, Disconnect etc.
AVB Standard recommendation
Given my current network comprises of all RME equipment, is there any advantage to using the IEEE or Milan standard?
I cant seem to either Save or Recall a configuration using the "Configurations..." menu item, any tips?
Workspaces vs Configurations?
What's the difference between these two classes of saving state?
App needs to be loaded to keep network alive?
I mentioned this in another post, but it looks like I need to have this app open otherwise all my routing is disconnected. ?
Sorry for the number of posts and questions, but there are so many new technologies to understand.
Many thanks, Tony.