Topic: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

I've noticed something strange about my 3 HDSPe hosted Multifaces.

Cards 1 and 3 show a Time Code of "Card 1" on settings, but the middle card shows -- : -- : --

The middle card (card 2) is slaved to BNC word clock from Card 1 and 3 is slaved to 2.

Autosync reference is showing as "Word", so that's OK.

Any thoughts on why the Time Code info seems to be inconsistent with the other 2?


Re: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

I could, but I need to get hold of Ts and terminators. System has mostly been OK daisy-chaining so far. I've read elsewhere that this is OK? Might grab some Ts and terminators though.

...but I've just noticed something else interesting.

I rebooted. Now Card 1 (Master) is "-- : -- : --" and the other 2 say "Card 1".

This might tie into my other post and other problem on noise on Card 2. On first boot, Card 2 was "-- : -- : --" and showed noise until the reboot. Now it's showing "Card 1" under Time Code and is working OK.

Is this maybe a card initialisation order issue, solved by a reboot!? Bug in the driver initialisation even!?

3 (edited by vinark 2021-04-05 16:43:48)

Re: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

I rebooted. Now Card 1 (Master) is "-- : -- : --" and the other 2 say "Card 1".

This seems right since you are not using timecode I guess from the  "-- : -- : --".
If the noise on card 2 always happens with a cold boot could be a motherboard issue. Might be fixable by a pcie setting in the bios.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

vinark wrote:

I rebooted. Now Card 1 (Master) is "-- : -- : --" and the other 2 say "Card 1".

This seems right since you are not using timecode I guess from the  "-- : -- : --".
If the noise on card 2 always happens with a cold boot could be a motherboard issue. Might be fixable by a pcie setting in the bios.

Thanks. This is a bit more complex than a motherboard though.

It's the 3 HDSPe cards in a Sonnet Thunderbolt chassis. When it works, it's a great system - 24 analogue inputs and 24 analogue outputs, plus the SPDIFs.

It's worth it for me to go through the reboot process when recording. However, if there was a possible fix, that'd be great too.

However, I am now wondering if I should order some BNC T connectors and a couple of terminators.

Re: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

You could try one sync from wc and the other card from spring, just to see if that fixes it.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

6 (edited by Purusha 2021-04-06 17:46:50)

Re: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

vinark wrote:

You could try one sync from wc and the other card from spring, just to see if that fixes it.

Sadly, it doesn't fix the issue. I have some BNC T connectors and terminators on the way though.

If I understand correctly, Wordclock out doesn't need termination, but the end of the daisy-chain through to the last unit does need terminating. ...but I'm getting a few spares, so can config as necessary.

Edit: Actually, I might have been wrong on the above. It may actually be working! Shutdown and reboot worked this time. If I can shut-down overnight and it still works, then I might be on to a winning formula. Thanks!

Re: 3 HDSPe cards, but one shows Time Code of -- : -- : ---

Update: It worked the first 2 boots since adjustment, but now assignment of  "-- : -- : --" seems to be random.

Have also now set up BNC T connectors and termination.

No difference. Noise floor issue mentioned in the other thread, is still there on first boot too.