1 (edited by vvilms 2023-08-02 21:51:02)

Topic: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

New UFX+ owner, here. smile

I ran a search trying to find an existing thread, but only encountered threads of people having issues on Windows.

I'm running macOS Catalina 10.15.7.

I was successful in installing the USB drivers and flash, but every time I've tried doing the same for the thunderbolt drivers, the unit isn't recognized. I've restarted my computer. I've turned the UFX+ off and on. I've disconnected and reconnected the cable. I've tried bypassing my Caldigit TS3 Plus, running the thunderbolt cable straight to my computer. I've allowed the driver as suggested in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmrcKYf6TaI -- and still no dice.

Now. I understand that thunderbolt isn't really necessary unless I'm using MADI for maximum channel count, BUT I'm low on USB ports and one of the perks of grabbing the UFX+ was that I wouldn't have to use USB.

Please/ Thank you,

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

What computer is it ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

waedi wrote:

What computer is it ?

MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
Processor - 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
Memory - 64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Graphics - AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

4 (edited by waedi 2021-04-24 06:37:20)

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

vvilms wrote:
waedi wrote:

What computer is it ?

MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019)
Processor - 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
Memory - 64 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
Graphics - AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB
Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB

Very good, then you have two thunderbolt-3 ports.

I asked because there are a lot macbooks with USB-C ports, they look the same (could be the same plug?)
But they are not. They don't work with thunderbolt devices.

In your case the Macbook should recognize the UFX+.

You said that you have not much USB ports left, is there some stuff connected ?
Can you try disconnect everything from the computer and connect only the UFX+ for a test ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

5 (edited by vvilms 2021-04-24 06:57:47)

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

waedi wrote:

Very good, then you have two thunderbolt-3 ports.

I believe I should have four thunderbolt-3 ports.

waedi wrote:

You said that you have not much USB ports left, is there some stuff connected?

I’ve been using a Caldigit TS3 Plus for the rest of the ports, and all of the USB ports are filled atm.-

waedi wrote:

Can you try disconnect everything from the computer and connect only the UFX+ for a test?

I disconnected the caldigit ts3 plus (the only other peripheral that I ever plug into the computer) and re-ran the 1.21 thunderbolt driver installation, restarted and unplugged and plugged the cable back in, and I still am getting nothing.

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

That is sad.
How about connecting the USB cabel additional to the thunderbolt connection, will the computer then recognize the unit ?
And when you disconnect the USB cabel will the computer lose the unit or is there something going on then ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

The thunderbolt cable will conflict with the usb, and nothing will show up until I disconnect both, and re-connect the usb cable, alone.

8 (edited by waedi 2021-04-24 07:22:14)

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

vvilms wrote:

The thunderbolt cable will conflict with the usb, and nothing will show up until I disconnect both, and re-connect the usb cable, alone.

But the computer can not remember the unit when it is connected with the thunderbolt.
I run out of ideas.
I think the RME support should be contacted for repair request.
You are sure the correct firmware is in ?
What is the version number ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

waedi wrote:

What is the version number ?

Upon booting, the screen reads, “SW Version 46”.

waedi wrote:

I think the RME support should be contacted for repair request.

Oh? sad... as in repair to send it away or just to open a dialog with support?

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

When you open the settings dialog there the full version number should be on top.
108, DSP 46
From here it is not possible to say if a sent-in-repair is needed.
The support will help you thru.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

I’m not entirely sure how to view all of that data on the unit (108/ 46), but I know I saw 108 on the USB flash update dialog box, and no errors were thrown during that process. — I’ve not been able to pull up that same flash dialog box while connected only via thunderbolt though.

12 (edited by MetalHeadKeys 2021-04-24 14:50:46)

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)


Here's a quote from the manual:

The  factory  setting  for  the  Interface  Mode,  Auto,  makes  sure  that  any connected  computer  connection  is  recognized  automatically.  Thunderbolt,  USB  3,  USB  2  and  Class  Compliant  will  usually  work  without  any further user interaction.

In case of problems the current interface mode can  be  set  manually  to  a  fixed  one.  This  is  done  under  SETUP/REV, Options, Hardware/Diagnosis, Interface Mode

Did you try to set it manually to the mode you wanted to have it connected?(i.e: Thunderbolt)

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

MetalHeadKeys wrote:

Did you try to set it manually to the mode you wanted to have it connected?(i.e: Thunderbolt)

I appreciate the response. It was in Auto, but I switched to TB and re-installed the driver/ restarted the computer, and I'm still not getting anything when disconnecting and reconnecting the interface. Only a white light pops up next to "Host". It goes Blue when connected to USB.

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

Maybe, this video from RME will help?


RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

15 (edited by vvilms 2021-04-25 04:13:35)

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

MetalHeadKeys wrote:

Maybe, this video from RME will help?

vvilms wrote:

I've allowed the driver as suggested in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmrcKYf6TaI -- and still no dice.

^ from the first post. My apologies, I should've bolded it.

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

No need! It's not your fault!

I had forgotten that it was in your very first post!

Thing is that I can't help you any further, since I 'm a PC user and I don't know anything about Macs.

Perhaps, you should contact RME Support, directly!

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

MetalHeadKeys wrote:

Thing is that I can't help you any further, since I'm a PC user and I don't know anything about Macs.

No worries. smile

MetalHeadKeys wrote:

Perhaps, you should contact RME Support, directly!

I went ahead and sent a support request over the weekend; I’ll be sure and update the thread if/ when things should get sorted.

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

Apologies for the delay -- A bit ashamed to say I had mistakenly been trying to install the 1.21 driver which is for Big Sur only.

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

Don 't worry!!
No harm done!! smile

Glad you 've figured it out!

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

MetalHeadKeys wrote:

Don 't worry!!
No harm done!! smile


MetalHeadKeys wrote:

Glad you've figured it out!

Likewise. smile

21 (edited by vvilms 2023-08-02 21:51:50)

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

Hopping back in to say I've gone ahead and updated to Big Sur recently for Photoshop Beta, and I've run into an issue updating things with regard to the UFX+.

Process has been:
1. Update to Big Sur with the UFX+ disconnected.
2. Connect.
3. Run Driver Kit 1.04 (under Downloads/ Thunderbolt (PCIe) - https://www.rme-audio.de/downloads.html)
4. Run Driver 1.23 (under the same tab)

My issue is now that the corresponding "Flash Update Tool (released 2023-02-27)" will only promptly close as soon as it is launched.

Not sure how to proceed.

Re: UFX+ - Flash update tool failing to launch on Big Sur (11.7.3)

Negating the inquiry, I found these install instructions: https://www.rme-audio.de/rme-macos.html

Would be nice if the suggestion to monitor the Security & Privacy window during the driver install would've been included in the readme file. smile