1 (edited by massive 2021-05-20 15:17:58)

Topic: Fireface UFX II / UFX+ stand-alone fader group and 48v control?

Is it possible to control the levels of multiple output channels at once on the UFX II/+ in stand-alone mode?

Also, can the 48v phantom power setting of the mic inputs be controlled in stand-alone mode?

Re: Fireface UFX II / UFX+ stand-alone fader group and 48v control?

No one?

Re: Fireface UFX II / UFX+ stand-alone fader group and 48v control?

In standalone, you can set output levels in stereo pairs, but not more than 1 pair at a time. 48v controls are in the same CHAN/MIX menu.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Fireface UFX II / UFX+ stand-alone fader group and 48v control?

Thanks a lot for the info.

Do you consider adding volume group control into standalone mode? This is useful for surround setups when the device is connected to a MADI or ADAT card and converts and sends the incoming digital audio to the speakers.