1 (edited by xmortenx 2021-05-26 22:12:13)

Topic: M1 iPad Pro - latency figures with Babyface and UCX

I have both Babyface Pro and UCX and use them daily on OSX with RME drivers for nice low latency when playing sampled piano and guitar amp sims. I normally use only one channel for the whole computer at the lowest buffer and highest samplerate the CPU can handle to get as low latency as possible.

I would like to switch to a M1 powered iPad Pro, but how does latency work with IOS and iPad? I'm curious when I can not install the sublime RME drivers on IOS, but will have to use the internal IOS drivers - what will the latency figures be compared to OSX??

I use always RME mainly due their drivers, but with IOS does it matter anymore what brand you use when there are no brand drivers involved or am I getting it wrong ??

All the best
Morten smile

Re: M1 iPad Pro - latency figures with Babyface and UCX

Hi Morten,

I have been using my Babyface with an M1 iPad Pro. The latency seems pretty good. Cubasis is reporting a device latency of 2.6ms and a round-trip latency of 10.0ms @44100 with a 128 sample buffer. With the RME drivers on my Macbook, Ableton reports a round trip latency of 8.9ms under the same conditions (although this is just what the interface reports, not explicitly measured).

Unfortunately however, I've had nothing but trouble so far with crackling in AUM and Cubasis on my iPad M1. Sometimes it works for a while, but then eventually crackling begins to build up in the audio output until I hear mostly crackling if that makes sense.

It does not depend on CPU load or buffer size. Still happens with tons of plugins - or none. 64 sample buffer - or 1024.

I have no idea what the issue is, all I can say is that it is anything but stable.


Re: M1 iPad Pro - latency figures with Babyface and UCX

Uhhh not good - is it a Babyface Pro Fs ?? I use the UCX with a lightning iPad with no issues smile