Topic: Fireface UC+ARC+Totalmix FX: Talkback only partially working


I've just bought the ARC to get around the Midi issues I was having for the talkback trigger.
The ARC works fine, but I cannot get Talkback to behave in an expected manor.
I have tried a lot of options but I cannot get my head around it.

My setup:
Mac Mini 2018 Mojave
TotalmixFX 1.73
Drivers 3.21 Firmware v124

Routing and setup:
I record the talent (Mic 1) in a booth and monitor in a control room (via headphones).
The headphone output (7/8) is assigned in Control Room via Assign Phones 1.
I use a headphone amplifier to sent the signal to both headphones (this works fine).
My main output is 1/2 but my speakers are muted (I have a monitor controller that is on Mute).

Recording setup :
So far I've not been using talkback and all went well.
I route the Mic 1 (talent/listenback) and Mic 2 (talkback)to Phones 1(7//8).
I also route software playback 1/2 to Phones 1(7//8).
In Nuendo I do not monitor the recording I only record (so software monitoring is switched off).
After recording I playback the region and we both hear the last take.
All is nice and dandy working as expected we can always hear each other.

But always hearing each other is not ideal so I wanted to use Talkback.
However when I want to use Talkback in the Control room, something goes wrong.
I have tried 2 approaches with 2 different outcomes, both are lacking one input (either mic1 or mic2).

Apporach 1: Regular Headphone output via Phones 1.  This is based on the routing above.

When I setup Talkback/Listenback in Settings I have this:
Talkback > Mic 2 (dim on 0dB)
Listenback > Mic 1 (dim on 0dB)
'Main out' everything on 0dB and no Ext Input assigned.

In Phones 1 channel: I have talkback engaged.
Now I cannot hear the talent on (Mic 1) only software playback (but monitoring is off).
I find that really strange, why can I not hear the Mic 1?

When I press the Talkback button my talent and myself hear my voice, but still not the talents voice.
So talkback works but I cannot hear the talent.. weird.

Setup 2: Headphone routed as Main Output.
In the Control Room setup I set.
Main out > 7/8 (headphone output).
Output 1/2 are no longer viable outputs from control room.

Setup for Talkback/Listenback in Settings is the same:
Talkback > Mic 2 (dim on 0dB)
Listenback > Mic 1 (dim on 0dB)
'Main out' everything on 0dB and no Ext Input assigned.

With these settings I only have Main out and can only hear software playback, but even worse...
when I engage Talkback in the Main channel I hear the Talent!!! We cannot hear me at all.
This is the reversed of what I would expect, Talkback is from the control room right?

So I'm at a loss of what is going on. I've already done a Total reset of TotalMix and rebuild the settings, nothing changes.

Can somebody please help me out and teach me whatever is needed to get this setup?

I can upload the workspace if needed.

Thanks in advance!


Re: Fireface UC+ARC+Totalmix FX: Talkback only partially working

Please provide the workspace.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface UC+ARC+Totalmix FX: Talkback only partially working

MC wrote:

Please provide the workspace.

Here's a link to the workspaces (both).

I hope this helps, because I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.



Re: Fireface UC+ARC+Totalmix FX: Talkback only partially working

In Phones 1 channel: I have talkback engaged.
Now I cannot hear the talent on (Mic 1) only software playback (but monitoring is off).
I find that really strange, why can I not hear the Mic 1?

It seems you misunderstood the Talkback/Listenback concept. Listenback needs an extra microphone that is only used for communication. The talent's recording microphone can not be used for that as the LB mic is (obviously) switched off for monitoring when Talkback is not active. The LB mic is the same as the TB mic - not used for anything else.

Setup 2: in the workspace Phones 1 was set to Phones, so routing did not match your description (Main Out = Phones = 7/8).

Matthias Carstens

Re: Fireface UC+ARC+Totalmix FX: Talkback only partially working

HI Matthias,
Thanks. I completely misunderstood it indeed. I already thought, what a strange name for a Recording microphone, but i get it now smile
I honestly never heard of Listenback (as I never worked in a recording studio, only post production) and this concept was indeed new to me.
I just disabled the 'listen back' routing and now my talent can be heard again and the Talkback function works as expected.
