Topic: Digiface + ensemble

Hallo everyone,
I already own 2 apogee ensemble fw and i want to expand my system with a RMA Fireface 800.
I'm thinking to buy a digiface usb to Connect all the 3 interfaces (2 ensemble + 1 FF800), the question is:
once i Connec everything, i can do the gain of the apogee ensemble from RME totalmix?
Second question:
Apogee ensemble are compatible only with mac, passing trough a digiface i can use it also in a windows system?
Thank you

2 (edited by waedi 2021-05-30 18:27:29)

Re: Digiface + ensemble

1. No
2. Yes maybe

After having a look into the user manual of the Apogee Ensemble I am not sure if it will work.
This user manual has no word about stand-alone functionality.
You better ask Apogee if the input signals are distributed to the adat outputs without computer connected to the unit.
I guess it is not possible. The RME FF800 is no problem.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: Digiface + ensemble

to -2: The Apogee user manual lacks a clear descrition of stand-alone operation and whether its possible to customize the routing for standalone operation. But for this you might need a Mac with this Maestro software anyway. IMHO you should contact the Apogee support to find out, whats possible and what not.

BTW .. I found an interesting posting on this forum, that you need to be careful with the firmware version of Apogees. We had already the case where one Apogee didn't get a sync from ADAT, because there was a firmware issue. … 50#p128750

Comments to the setup:

With this setup you need
- the RME MADIface USB driver to access and operate the DIGIface USB
- the RME           firewire driver to access and operate the FF800

The FF800 can then later be used in stand-alone mode, but as soon as you would need other Mic Gain settings then you need to connect it again to Firewire.
The operation of the Apogee under Windows is not possible.
As soon as you would want to use double speed (88.2/96) then you have only the half amount of channels through ADAT.

You asked whether you can operate the Apogee through TotalMix FX .. of course now, how shall that be possible ?
ADAT is a pure interface for connecting digital audio data, there is no common standard for remote operation of devices.
Something like this is always a vendor specific solution.

In the case of RME you can have such a setup by using the feature "Auxdevice".
Then you can control most of a preamps parameters with TM FX and the good thing is, that you can store and recall these settings in TotalMix FX Snapshots and Workspace Quick Select Slots.

But for this you would need
a) a RME recording interface with either MIDI/ADAT or "MIDI over MADI"/MADI support
b) the Octamic XTC preamp which is currently the only preamp which can be remote controlled by TM FX by the Auxdevice feature

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digiface + ensemble

Thank you everybody,
In fact the 2 question was related, if i can't do the gain from totalmix, surely i can'tdo from 'maestro' (don't exist for windows).
Anyway thanks even for others advising like the firmware and the clock via adat.
Maybe i'll change all the system to 3x rme ff800.. in this case wich mode of connection is better for you?
All the 3 by a digiface? Or all the 3 by fw is stable too?

Re: Digiface + ensemble

Madiface USB plus M-32 / M-16 DA plus a 12Mic if MicPres are needed.
This is what I would choose.

In your case with 3 FF800 I would connect them via adat to a Digiface rather than 3 Firewire connections simultanousley.
Firewire is outdated and support is not to expect for ever.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

6 (edited by ramses 2021-05-31 12:31:26)

Re: Digiface + ensemble

If your decision is Firewire (which is not well supported anymore under Windows) then Chapter 10 of the FF800 manual gives you valuable information about how to operate up to three Fireface 800:

As of now there is at least a chance to get it working by installing the legacy Firewire driver under Win10.
From cost perspective and the operation surely a benefit.
Then you can operate all devices per TM FX and the driver settings dialog.

Using a Digiface USB gives you some limitations, because you can only route 8ch in singlespeed over ADAT. Its IMHO a "waste" of ports of all these FF800's (assumed you do not want to use analog ports (no Mic/Instr ports).

At the end you would need for such a Digiface USB based version most likely Firewire anyway, to be able to change gain settings etc.

So it boils down to the point, that you can't get rid of Firewire if you want to work with firewire devices even when deciding to use standalone operation because I assume you also want to use Mic Pres and then you need to control the gain. But even with line level ports you might want to adjust the reflevel per port ...

The only way out here is to use newer components and then you need to think about whether its worth for you to invest into MADI to get all the useful features like e.g.: Auxdevice Support through either MIDI or MIDI over MADI, Delay Compensation, Autoset maybe even DURec.

Best features you will have with a combination of UFX+ and XTC, there you can use even Delay Compensation and Auxdevice support immediately and have a variety of options to use the preamps.

More up to date converters and higher port densities with UFX+ and 12Mic. But Auxdevice is announced, not yet there, Delay compensation is not possible because 12Mic doesn't follow an 8-port schema. On the other hand Delay compensation is not too critical, as converter became faster, if you have stereo mics, simply ensure to connect them to Mic inputs of the same preamp.

What kind of ports do you need anyway .. before makeing more proposals ?
How many Mic, Instr, analog / digital ports ?
Do you want to be able to get special RME features (Auxdevice, Autoset, Delay Compensation, DURec, ...) ?
What is your maximum budget for that if you would e.g. sell the old stuff ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Digiface + ensemble

I primary use pres from an analogue mixing console (in studio)that i use like summing too, so more interested in line input/output (i would like to use at least 24 I/O, max needed 32)
But in some case, i want to be able to make recordings in different venues (obviously without the analogue mixer) with more or less 4/8 preamps...
For the budget, i think around 1500€ maybe finding some used gear..

8 (edited by ramses 2021-05-31 17:47:30)

Re: Digiface + ensemble

RME FF800: found used prices between €530 - 700 per unit.

Manual recommends FW800 connection for more than 1 unit. Each unit cabled to the interface, so you need a 3 port card and 3x FW800 cables, recommended to be of same length.

I only found this card on with 3 external FW 800 ports which has a TI XIO2213B chipset. But but I do not know this card, you need to try: … ml?hloc=de €82

FW800 premium cable, 3m from Lindy around €28,00.

I would roughly assume ~€2000 for such a solution.

3x FF800                              ~ €1800
FW Card 3x800, TI Chipset  ~ €    80
3x FW800, 3m Prem cable   ~ €     90

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

9 (edited by MetalHeadKeys 2021-06-01 04:31:17)

Re: Digiface + ensemble

Hello, everyone!

How about this: … verter.htm

and a Digiface USB :

It 's a bit above budget(2356euros), but worth it, in my opinion.

You could, later, add an 8 channel preamp like this: … ctopre.htm
                                                   or the RME Octamic II :
                                                   or similar
for your live needs, via balanced line connections to the Ferrofish 's Line Inputs
This way, you could have 24 I/O from the console + 8 Ins = 32/24 I/O @44.1/48KHz. (and a free ADAT Out from the DF for another D/A converter)

EDIT: Just re-read the post and saw that budget is around 1500euros! sorry!
           Nevertheless, I 'll leave my recommendation for anyone interested!
           (Also, it took me quite a bit of time to write it! smile )

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: Digiface + ensemble

An RME Digiface USB is around 350€. With 4 Behringer ADA8200s, that's well within budget and gives 32 Midas mic inputs and 34 line outputs.

Just sayin'...

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Digiface + ensemble

Quote for the ferrofish, always heard good !
I was looking around ferrofish pulse 16 and  wait to complete the system (32 ch) with another pulse 16..
In this case the question is, if I interface the converter using a digiface i can use only 44.1-48 khz sampling rate? or using all the 4in/4out adat connections i can use even 88.2-96 khz? Obviously for 16 channels, when i will add other 16, i will only operate 44.1-48 for 32ch..
Instead of buyng a madiface now,when i will add future 16 ch i will operate 32ch 88.2-96khz?

Thanks everybody and sorry for my not-fluent english

Re: Digiface + ensemble

Uh forgot.. for external recordings i can save one of my apogee ensemble with a macbook

13 (edited by hardyroede 2021-06-01 21:25:34)

Re: Digiface + ensemble

eggheadrecording wrote:

In this case the question is, if I interface the converter using a digiface i can use only 44.1-48 khz sampling rate? or using all the 4in/4out adat connections i can use even 88.2-96 khz?

If I understand your question correctly: each ADAT connection carries up to 8 channels at 44.1/48 khz. So, to connect 32 channels in/out with the Digiface, you can clock the Digiface and the Ferrofish(es) at 44.1/48 khz max. At 88.1/96 khz you only have 16 channels i/o in this config.

eggheadrecording wrote:

Instead of buyng a madiface now,when i will add future 16 ch i will operate 32ch 88.2-96khz?

A MADI connection indeed gives you more capacity - 64 channels i/o at 44.1 or 48 khz, or 32 i/o at 88.2/96 khz. So, for higher sample rates MADI would be the (unfortunately a bit more expensive) way to go. Plus, you only need one cable pair - coax or fiber - for all 32 channels, instead of four ADAT lightpipe pairs between the interface and the Ferrofish(es).

BTW, on the Ferrofish website you often find B-stock units at nice discounts. Currently, an A32 with 32 channels i/o sits there for €1599 - which is at least close to your budget, you can start right away with 2x8 = 16 channels i/o via ADAT @ 44.1/48 khz on your Apogee Ensembles, and have the best upgradeability with MADI later on.

If you consider the Pulse 16, look for the MX version, the base model has no MADI.

MADIface(s) Pro, UFX+, MADI Router
Mac mini Intel, iPad Air 2020
ProTools, Hindenburg

Re: Digiface + ensemble
