Topic: SRC for Fireface UCX II like ADI-2 Pro possible
I really like the new Fireface UCX II from the spec point of view and I will definitely exchange my Fireface UC with it.
What I still miss is the sampling rate conversion for input consumer S/PDIF like the ADI-2 Pro (FS). I have only low requirements 48kHz to 44.1kHz. And yes, I understand that this idea is in gerneral not the best and I could go on with DA/AD conversion as weill ;-)
Will there be any chance some day to povide such function via update for the Fireface UCX?
Why is this feature so "expensive" that I cannot find it in any product from RME for a reasonable price (>1500€ is really a lot for non professionals). It would be pretty nice no have such function in your affortable product price range - if possbile.
Thank you.