1 (edited by sylvainmoreau 2021-07-14 08:30:14)

Topic: Can't switch audio rate on fireface UC


I use fireface UC and 800 on a desktop. All is fine, nuendo is 48k but when i play other audio rate content with VLC or foobar from desktop while nuendo is running everything works fine.
But on my laptop everything I play at 44.1 other then Nuendo sounds incorrect rate.
The only tool I see is totalmix but I can't set audio rate there.
I tried to mess with the "release driver when nuendo is in background etc".. nothing works;
How to I fix this ?

Re: Can't switch audio rate on fireface UC

This is a bit unclear - does it affect both devices? More details about the problem and the setup would be helpful.
And "incorrect" in what way? Too high, too low?

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Can't switch audio rate on fireface UC


On that computer I only use fireface UC (on travel)
incorrect is nuendo plays at 48k ok but other players with 44.1k play higer (foobar, internet browsers)
I can't find this little settings window for the UC. where to set audio rate, buffer, gains etc...
how is it called I looked in all RME folders but can't find it.

Re: Can't switch audio rate on fireface UC

Which driver did you install?

Daniel Fuchs