Topic: UFX II Preamp Hiss


I have had my UFX II since November 2018 and love it but up until now I have not really used the onboard preamps other than occasionally using channel 9.  Recently I have started using the onboard preamps and noticed noise on channel 10.  Even without anything connected I see noise on the channel in Totalmix and Digi Check.  The noise level increases if I turn up the gain and the signal light starts the come on around a gain setting of 10.  The noise is visual and audibly present when increase the gain further.  The other 3 preamps do not do this.

Does anyone have a guess on what is causing this issue.  I do have some electronics experience and would love to try and repair it myself with some type of tech support.
If the repair would be more involved then I suppose the recommendation would be to send it in for repair.

Thanks in advance for any feedback and assistance.


Re: UFX II Preamp Hiss

The repair is very easy.
Connect something to the input and check if the hiss is still there.
If nothing is connected, turn down the gain.
Hiss is normal when nothing is connected.

UFX+, FireFace 802 FS, Digiface USB
12 Mic, M1610 pro, Micstasy
MacBookPro M1
Logic Pro X

Re: UFX II Preamp Hiss

The hiss is definitely there when something is connected.  That is when I first noticed it.  None of the other three preamps are doing that.