Topic: How to record electric guitar?

Hi, I don't know a lot about the technical aspects of music production, so please bear with me.

I want to record electric guitar with my new Babyface Pro FS.
I put my guitar into IN 3 (also tried IN 4) but all I'm getting is a very weak signal.
I'm not able to boost the gain a lot in Totalmix.
A friend now told me to buy a guitar cable with an XLR end, and put that in the XLR Mic In.
Is this true? It seems a bit unusual. I never saw something like that before.
And if this is not true: How can I record electric guitar with my Babyface?
Thank you.

2 (edited by waedi 2021-08-20 05:31:34)

Re: How to record electric guitar?

In Totalmix open the input channel 3/4, click the wrench tool.
On top there is a button -10dBV activate this.
There is also the input gain knob, open it, let's say 70%.
Plug your guitar TS cable into the input 3 on the side of the Babyface.
open the volume poti of the guitar fully.
Do you see the signal in the input channel 3 in Totalmix when playing the guitar ?
Is it still too weak ?
Open more gain.
This should work.

The XLR cable can be a trick but not always working and I don't recommend it as the BF is perfect for guitar recording with normal jack cable.

If you want to try this XLR trick, be sure the cable is a TS to XLR and not a TRS to XLR.
Guitar TS sockets often don't fit to TRS plugs.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: How to record electric guitar?

So I just recorded two electric guitars a couple of days ago and managed to get a decent level on both of them. Neither had active circuits. So it does sound like a setting issue. Do make sure the guitar volume pot is up full.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: How to record electric guitar?

Thanks for your answers!

I already tried everything as you suggested and tried it once again. Still only a very weak signal whose wave form is hardly recognizable in the DAW.
I'm going to order a new quality TS instrument cable and will report back in a few days.

Re: How to record electric guitar?


What levels are you getting and what pickups are you using on your guitar?
Try, also, with heavy palm muting on the low strings!

Also, you can have a look at this thread:

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

6 (edited by nilsen 2021-08-20 23:03:33)

Re: How to record electric guitar?

Thank you! I have a Strat with Single Coils.

I did the heavy palm muting with -10dBV and +9db on the low strings and I'm getting this:

Is this a normal level?

Tomorrow I will try with a bass.

Re: How to record electric guitar?

You 're welcome and yep, that level is, totally, fine!!

Depending on the context being recorded, you should aim for a -12dB(peak) mark.
For example, if the whole song was heavily palm muted, you could turn the gain, a bit, down.

Same for bass!
If it has active circuitry, and you see the meter to -3dB, for example, just turn the gain, down, so that the average levels peak around -12dB.

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: How to record electric guitar?

Thank you very much for your feedback!
I'm relieved. I thought the level is too low.

9 (edited by PatySimson 2022-10-14 11:04:13)

Re: How to record electric guitar?

My brother used to be dissatisfied with the quality of his guitar recording. The upper frequencies were getting a little lost. When he bought guitar knobs from Iron Age, he was advised to get a shorter cable because if the cable is too long, there is also a loss of high frequencies. In general, my brother prefers Iron Age guitar accessories. He has found suppliers of high-quality guitar picks, guitar knobs, and luxury handmade picks. He also sets the level at minus 3 to 6 dB when recording. This keeps the signal "clean" and keeps it from "clipping.

10 (edited by ramses 2022-10-10 18:55:08)

Re: How to record electric guitar?

PatySimson wrote:

My brother used to be dissatisfied with the quality of his guitar recording. The upper frequencies were getting a little lost.

What's “a little lost”? Please provide a demo and describe the setup, what you recorded and how.
It should be clear, without any useful information, it's impossible to help.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: How to record electric guitar?

The common issue if the loo low input impedance of the recording gear. Electric guitars will have to use either a high-Z input which really has a high impedance and will not show up as a significant load for the signal (thus leaving it in peace) or will have a dedicated input behaviour to emulate a certain pickup - amp combination. I not an expert in guitar recording but I strongly remember some guys bringing along their own preamp to the studio especially designed to go with their Humbucker.

Re: How to record electric guitar?

There is new firmware and driver plus a beta TotalMix which gives an added boost to inputs 3 and 4

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.