Topic: RME Interfaces - Heat Tolerances when using rackmount
I have a rock solid Multiface II that has been going strong here for many a year - with seemingly no plans on letting up.
However - this past week after some rearrangement of gear in the main rackmounts - I thought I had a tidy new final placement until yesterday when I was working on some gain staging and other measurements - I noticed that the RME was very, very, very warm - as in hot.
While I have owned this unit since 2009 - I must admit - I have not spent any time poking, prodding or man-handling the metal case of the Multiface to see if it was hot, cool or otherwise - but I was very surprised by the heat.
I will be making some changes here in about an hour or two to get some rack space between the RME and the rest of the gear in the vicinity - but what have others done?
I assume that this I/O box has/is running normally up to now but I suspect I had the right amount of cooling space in previous rack layouts - specifically "above" the RME.
Managed to find a few older threads here and on other forums where the general consensus is that this heat is normal - but it does not seem that normal to me.
Would love to hear what others have done to keep these things cool.