1 (edited by insergent 2013-04-17 20:06:17)

Topic: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

I have installed your drivers manually through the device manager because the EXE's wont execute on my PC. Now I get to the firmware updates and latest software updates and the same thing happens. Double click the exe and absolutely nothing happens. At first I thought it was malware, ran some virus scans and nothing, tried to execute the RME firmware upgrade with biddefender running and it says the RME executable is malware.

My next step is pull out my laptop, I install the drivers manually and try the firmware again, nothing. Then I try in safemode, still nothing...

Whats going on? I can run any other exe file on both my PC's but not the RME executables.

Any ideas?

Windows 7 on both units

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Neither of these files is called setup.exe or the like, and neither is meant to install anything...
Installation through the device manager is the correct way, http://www.rme-audio.de/forum/viewtopic.php?id=7348

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

So you install the firmware updates through the device manager?

4 (edited by insergent 2013-04-17 19:40:54)

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

The file I am talking about called:

Windows Flash Update Tool für Fireface UFX, UCX, UC, Babyface. Update auf Firmware Revision UFX: 352/151/341, UCX: 42/220/23/4, UC: 117, Babyface: 203.

23.01.2013     fut_usb_win.zip


Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Which device are you referring to and how is it connected to the PC?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

It's the UCX and your site said it requires USB for firmware, so USB. However when I double click on the file nothing happens. So I tried on my laptop and had the same problem. Double click, the mouse thinks for a split second and that's it, nothing happens.

p.s. just got the ucx thee days ago brand new, sounds amazing hats off


Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

You say USB - but did you also install the USB drivers? Without them the flash will not work.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch



Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Then you will have to check again. The flash update exe will only work when a valid and working USB driver is installed. Otherwise it does exactly what you describe - nothing.

Matthias Carstens

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Hi MC,

I appreciate the response and I will go through the process again today and post back my findings.


Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

I had to have it in cc mode to install the usb drivers. thanks for the support guys, much appreciated.

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Interestingly, I'm having a similar problem with my FF400. I have had this unit working for some time and it appears a recent Windows update or something has caused problems with some of my installed software. After reinstalling the software, I too have a FF400 that will not work. I've downloaded the latest firmware and FUT files from RME. In each case, double clicking the .exe files does not do anything!
I also note that when the FF400 is connected to the laptop, the fireface and firefacemix icons do not appear in teh task bar as they did previously. Double-clicking the .exe files puts them back down in the task bar but these are ineffective and do not trigger any further action.

The other thing that now happens is that the ASIO option is no longer available to me for connecting to the FF400. Is it possible to reload the ASIO drivers?

FWIW, I'm running a MacBookPro with Windows XP SP3. The software I'm using is the EASE/EASERA/SysTune suite of products fom AFMG.
I look forward to resolving this issue.

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

This seems unrelated and possibly a hardware issue. Please test another FW cable or try the FF400 on another computer.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

MC wrote:

The flash update exe will only work when a valid and working USB driver is installed. Otherwise it does exactly what you describe - nothing.

I just ran into this and had to google this answer to figure out what was going on. I registered just to post this:

This is bad behavior for a tool.

That should be self evident. Abort, by all means, but let the user know what is happening and why. It's been 8 years. This is something a junior programmer could fix in 20 seconds.


That's it. UX fixed.

15 (edited by ramses 2021-11-18 09:09:26)

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Eric Tetz wrote:
MC wrote:

The flash update exe will only work when a valid and working USB driver is installed. Otherwise it does exactly what you describe - nothing.

I just ran into this and had to google this answer to figure out what was going on. I registered just to post this:

This is bad behavior for a tool.

That should be self evident. Abort, by all means, but let the user know what is happening and why. It's been 8 years. This is something a junior programmer could fix in 20 seconds.

I wouldn't blame RME for that. All firmware update tools that I have come across in my long IT career are very optimised for the purpose of flashing.

The reason for this is that when flashing or updating firmware, you intervene deeply in the respective device. If something goes wrong, then in the worst case the device becomes unusable and has to be sent in (what nobody really wants).

That is why, for stability reasons, everything that is not urgently required for flashing is left out of such tools and this is something that a senior programmer knows.

Such a tool, which is intentionally kept simple for stability reasons, also does not have the possibilities to find out exactly what is causing the issue. Before giving out messages that are inaccurate or misleading it's better to report nothing at all and because it's known that the tool will work, if the user follows the required/documented actions.

Every reasonably IT-savvy user knows (or should know) that you need to look into the respective documentation when using a flash tool. And if you are purely user, then you have an additional reason to consult the documentation.
RME has documented everything essential in the manual in one of the first chapters on Windows and Apple installation in a chapter called "Firmware update" and there is really not much that you have to take care of.

If I were you, I would rather be pleased that the flashing process is possible with RME under Windows and is also kept very stable in terms of implementation. That is the essential thing here.

If you think you can perform a flash operation without at least some reading upfront, then this may not have been the best decision.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

16 (edited by Eric Tetz 2021-11-18 09:29:45)

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

ramses wrote:

for stability reasons, everything that is not urgently required for flashing is left out of such tools.

I was a firmware engineer early in my career. fut_usb.exe is a Win32 app with a GUI, already linked against user32.lib. Adding this line of code would have no effect whatsoever on "stability":

    MessageBox(NULL, "Unknown error.", "RME USB Flash Update Tool", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);

ramses wrote:

does not have the possibilities to find out exactly what is causing the issue

Even if we grant that this is true (which you aren't in a position to know), it's no excuse for giving no feedback whatsoever that you've even executed. Well behaving apps don't do that. I opened a console to see if it wrote something there. I checked the Windows event log to see if there was an error. I wondered if Windows threat protection had quietly squashed it. I tried a compatibility mode. These are not things I would have looked into had it produced any message whatsoever. The total lack of output is so foreign it appeared simply broken.

No surprise in retrospect that it requires the driver, but I had a fresh install of a new device and wanted to introduce it to machine with the latest firmware.

ramses wrote:

If you think you can perform a flash operation without at least some reading upfront, then this may not have been the best decision.

Yeah, no. As a general heuristic, I work backwards from the hardware/software to the manual only when necessary, because it's typically faster. 9/10 it'll just work. That 1/10 time that it doesn't, I'll eat the cost of additional research. I'm hardly alone in this regard, as a search turns up a bunch of other people running into the same thing. There's one above me, right here on the RME forums, from a decade ago. That wasted effort could have been avoided with a single line of code.

17 (edited by ramses 2021-11-18 12:23:36)

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

Eric, sorry, but after such error message you are just as smart as before.

The point here is still, that you do not come into this situation if you follow the usual procedures to look how to flash the device and again, this is documented and really not hard to understand.

Of course I don't know the RME code, but you don't have to know it to be able to give certain recommendations and to recognize where problems are coming from.

In the end, you say what the problem is yourself, namely you, because you seem to approach things with an "I know it all" attitude and this I do not mean as a personal insult against you. I think we specialists and autodidacts work quite often the way you described.

That's how I do it often enough myself, but sorry, then we can't complain if things not always work as thought wink

We also shouldn't argue with people who do it in a similar way and fail. I am reading this forum regular since around 7y. There are only a few pepople who stumble into this for such reasons.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: RME update EXE's refuse to launch

ramses wrote:

Eric, sorry, but after such error message you are just as smart as before.

That's not true, and I explained specifically how. Not going to continue talking to someone who doesn't read. Cheers!