Topic: Fireface 800 driver not working on MacOS 12 Monterey

Hello there,

contacting the forum as my last resort. I have just upgraded from an Intel i7 MacBook Pro to the new MBP with a pro chip. I've tried to install the fw_mac_340 driver along with all the mentioned workarounds (setting the security kernel options and rebooting, also tried the terminal verification) but I never get to the point where I can manually accept the driver in the security settings. the well-known button on the bottom right is simply not showing up.

could this be a compatibility issue with the new OS Monterey or am I missing something? I am using an old FF800 along with the famous dongle chain artwork. the new MacBook Pro ships with Monterey so I am helpless

All the best

Re: Fireface 800 driver not working on MacOS 12 Monterey


Re: Fireface 800 driver not working on MacOS 12 Monterey


I had the same kind of problem with my Ucx(1) and my new mbp m1max and Monterey os
several install and uninstall with booting in low security mode, allow kernel extensions, go back to boot in max security mode, install and uninstall again...
So nothing was working...
My unit was not recognized when I plugged it to my map and total mix never appeared 
Flash updater was not working too.
Today I've decided to check if I had the good firmware with my pc ( windows 10)
I also use my ucx with PC. And I've seen that the unit was in an old firmware when I've launched flash updater

So proceed to an update with my pc with flash updater
Go back to my mbp. Surprise my unit was recognized when I connected it
Proceed to flash updater and at this time It worked
Install driver no also working
system work perfectly

I hope it was helpful