Topic: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti


I have a babyface mk1 running on windows 10, and recently it's been very erratic with the big dial controlling main volume out to the speakers. occasionally it seems to forget where the volume is supposed to be and when I turn the dial in any fashion it slams it all the way up, leaving me diving for the mute, and with my tinitus aggravated.

it's usually after a fresh boot of the computer. the volume might have been left at say 15%, and the totalmix window might still be showing that, but any turn of the main physical dial shoots it way up close to max. I now check this every time with no audio running. today for the first time tho it escalated to this happening during normal work, whilst mixing. went to turn the dial down a notch, BAM! very unnerving.

so, firstly is this a dodgy pot or something inside the device that I can get replaced? firmware issue? and secondly, is there any way for me to set an absolute volume out ceiling to the speakers in totalmix?



Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

You could aswer your own question easily by checking the current firmware version and if you have that or not. Then it would be clear if the unit needs repair.

Matthias Carstens

Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

well, thanks, but checking whether I have the latest firmware (which I did, and I do), doesn't answer the question as to whether it sounds like it could be a firmware issue or not. or whether it sounds like a pot issue, and if it is, whether that is repairable.


Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

Of course the encoder (not a pot) of the BF can be replaced. Contact your local distributor to find out if the repair costs are worth it. I doubt that, though.

Matthias Carstens

5 (edited by vinark 2021-12-03 21:17:07)

Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

You can set the max volume by proper gain staging. The gain of your amp or active speakers should be set so that 0dbfs will not harm you or your speakers. Also better for signal to noise ratio. You can also use passive attentuators if it is not possible to set levels sensibly low on your amp or speakers.
BTW I am just a fellow RME user trying to help, no critique ment :-)

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

6 (edited by john1192 2023-08-26 19:32:12)

Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

Hi,  my Babyface Pro is now doing this same thing .. is there a fix for this ???   other than buying a New Device ...

this reply is not that great ... Not Worth it !!   how much does this cost ???

"Of course the encoder (not a pot) of the BF can be replaced. Contact your local distributor to find out if the repair costs are worth it. I doubt that, though."

cheers John

EDIT:   i have just updated to the 206 / 408 update and flash update ... i will report back if and when i have same issues !!!

SAME THING IS HAPPENING ... not yelling just so you can see ... so does this mean my Encoder is BAD ?????


Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

The BF pro is usually not affected (my reply was for a first gen BF). If yours does that then check with the distributor of your country, repair is possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

MC wrote:

The BF pro is usually not affected (my reply was for a first gen BF). If yours does that then check with the distributor of your country, repair is possible.

OK, I will talk to a dealer ... thank you for the quick reply .. John

Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

MC wrote:

The BF pro is usually not affected (my reply was for a first gen BF). If yours does that then check with the distributor of your country, repair is possible.

may I ask:  I see there is a replacement Encoder for the Babyface MK1 on the RME site ... but I do NOT see a replacement for the Babyface Pro ... is it the same Encoder ???

Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

UPDATE:  i tried it on my laptop with Intel processor and my BFP exhibits same behavior .. slightly jumpy volume as i move the encoder either way ..

still looking for the Parts to replace ... i can do the work i just need the part !!!  thx john


Re: babyface, random volume jumps using dial, speaker and hearing protecti

The 'RME site' does not have spare parts. But the other one does wink

You should ask them if the encoder for the BF Pro is available, it is very different from the old BF.

Matthias Carstens