1 (edited by massanbeats 2021-11-03 16:57:55)

Topic: High frequency noise RME 802 (and UC)

Just sold my UC with the same issue I had forever.
Got 802 and here we go again.
3 of 4 inputs are plagued by HF interference around 22-24k, the frequency differs slightly on each channel while channel 9 looks good
inputs 9/10 are open, inputs 3/4 have other devices plugged in
the peaks are not affected by anything, including preamp gain - they just drown in the noise floor when preamp gain is increased.

I've tried every option possible with my previous UC to no avail.
This is my old UC

Is it a faulty unit again? Maybe some other issue this time around?
What should I do? Honestly its getting outrageously annoying considering the price of the hardware

Re: High frequency noise RME 802 (and UC)

should probably rename this thread to "RME? Never again"

3 (edited by S-E Hansson 2021-12-08 15:34:28)

Re: High frequency noise RME 802 (and UC)


At what gain minimum or high gain level is this noise signal showing up?

I have seen this at 16 or 17 kHz with microphone connected at normal gain
then I have suspicious the lighting in the house or bad electricity in general !?
this is with old Fireface 800 from 2004 otherwise very good sound wise.
I'm sure someone from RME will show up...

regards S-EH