Topic: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open


Win7 (old build).
I've installed the rme driver, connected the Fireface UFX+ via USB3 (blue led is on).
The driver looks ok in device manager but from some reason tapping Fireface settings from the tray won't do anything. Same with TotalMix - it just won't open.

I've tried both with the latest driver and with the older one from the archive - same.
I also have a mac - everything works ok there (but it's not my studio computer unfortunately, need it to work on the Windows one).

Not sure if related - I used this computer with RME HDSP Hammerfall Multiface, just upgraded but with no luck.
I've uninstalled the multiface drivers (and disconnected the cable from the PCI card), thought it might be related but doesn't look like.

I read somewhere that it might be related to registry entries but I have no idea where to start.

Will appreciate any advice!


Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

There are two drivers one for Thunderbolt and one for USB.
As you connect with USB, are you sure having the right driver installed ?
And have you tried to update the firmware ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

Win7 does not include USB3 drivers, so make sure these are installed and up to date. Also check the Device manager if the unit is seen at all.

Matthias Carstens

4 (edited by michael.reznik 2022-01-08 19:39:24)

Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

@waedi -
- indeed I'm with the USB drivers, double checked now.
- tried with driver_madiface_win_09685 and also with driver_madiface_win_09747 - both not working sad
- updated firmware to the latest (from my mac) still the same.

@MC -
- I see all my USB ports under device manager, hmm so I guess it's ok (...?)
- "RME UFX+ USB 3.0" appears under device manager and the status is "This device is working properly" + also the blue HOST led is on, on the device.

Probably something else....?

BTW, the madiface settings won't open also when tapping the executable "madifaceusb.exe" under windows/system32


Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

In that case TotalMixFX.exe also won't start the program? Is there some virus scanner blocking these apps to start?

Matthias Carstens

Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

No virus scanner.
BTW, when disconnecting the UFX+ and reconnecting my hammerfall - the hammerfall works ok and the mixer also opens normally.

Another issue noticed - windows won't start after reboot when the UFX+ is connected and is on, windows will stuck in loading (just see the windows logo forever). If i turn off the device and reboot windows will load normally (not sure if it helps).

Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

More info:
Tried to use UsbTreeView (shows usb device tree) to check the status of my USB devices:
When turning the UFX+ on the UsbTreeView freezes with the message:

RME UFX+ USB 3.0 does not respond.
This blocks the whole USB sub-system.
Please remove this device to continue!

Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

Looks like it works ok in USB2 mode (with USB2 cable connecting to a USB2 port).


Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

Well, then it looks like your 'old build Win 7' and/or the computer hardware is the culprit. You won't find anyone else here reporting such an issue. BTW, what are the firmware versions currently in the UFX+?

Matthias Carstens

10 (edited by michael.reznik 2022-01-13 21:29:37)

Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

It says hardware revision 54.


Re: UFX+ Fireface settings and TotalMix won't open

So that's up to date and leaves no solution, sorry.

Matthias Carstens