Topic: Defective ADI8-DS - Please help!

Hi there,
I recently sent my much loved and well treated ADI8-DS in for service after it wouldn't power up properly - would just flash its LEDs at me.
Unfortunately I've just had it returned from RME with a note saying that it couldn't be fixed and to purchase a new one!?
I'm determined that my 5 year old very expensive converter should not become a very expensive doorstop! Getting the internal Power Supply looked at independently seems like the most sensible next course of action. Are there any technical diagrams / service documents that are available online anywhere? I'm prepared to try anything as at the moment I seemingly don't have any other option?
Gotta say that I love RME, and this is the first problem I've had using any of their gear, from multi/digifaces up to Fireface 800s.

Re: Defective ADI8-DS - Please help!

Oh and just to add, the unit I received back doesn't even flash its LEDs at me sad

Re: Defective ADI8-DS - Please help!

Where exactly did you send the device? Could you mail me the serial number?
Was a reason quited why a repair would be impossible or uneconimical?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Defective ADI8-DS - Please help!

Thanks for the swift response Daniel.
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