Topic: why does totalmix say I have two BBF Pro Fs and two UCXII?

Hello everyone! I've had the Babyface Pro Fs for about a month and I love it so much that I also ordered a UCXII. It just arrived today and when powering up the unit Totalmix started and I got the DSP init error message. I quickly took care of that in the Preferences. smile

Then I noticed that the next time I started TotalMix, it listed my UCXII in the drop down as well as at the top of the window as if I had two devices like this: (2) after the name of the device. Here's a screenshot (hopefully I can post images being such a brand new forum member.

Hm...guess I can't attach images just yet. The fact that two BBF and two UCXII devices are listed isn't a big deal but it does bother me and would like to know if I can fix it to just list one instance of each device.

Thanks for any help you all can offer!



Re: why does totalmix say I have two BBF Pro Fs and two UCXII?

Restarting the computer should remove the multiple listings.

Matthias Carstens

Re: why does totalmix say I have two BBF Pro Fs and two UCXII?

MC wrote:

Restarting the computer should remove the multiple listings.

Indeed it did! Restarting the laptop has the devices listed as UCX II (1) and Babyface Pro Fs (1).

Thank you Matthias! So excited to dig into my UCX II it's keeping me up at night smile
