Topic: FF UFX ii AES buzz?

I am using my FF UFX ii over AES with Dutch 8C speakers. There is a buzz sound when the interface is on, audible from the listening position (2 meters).

The speakers are connected with "world's best" 110 ohm cable.

I tried using different power circuits for the interface but found no change.

Anything else I might try?

ufx ii / bfp


Re: FF UFX ii AES buzz?

Are you sure the AES output is muted in TotalMix to ensure there is no buzz audio sent? If so this seems to be a classic ground loop issue. Remove the pin 1 connection of the AES cable on one of the XLR connectors. That should fix it.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by wderganc 2023-10-25 18:07:19)

Re: FF UFX ii AES buzz?

Just wanted to follow up about this issue. I tried using a ground lift, but it didn't help.

It's mostly a hiss at this point, but for whatever reason it's intrusive to the point where I keep the speakers off as much as possible when working in a nearfield position.

When the UFX II is off, there is no hiss. When it turns on the hiss begins. It is not tied to the gain in Totalmix or on the speakers themselves. Have tried different sample rates as well.

ufx ii / bfp

Re: FF UFX ii AES buzz?

Out of curiosity, have you tried an analog connection?

Daniel Fuchs