1 (edited by fritzi 2022-01-30 02:16:51)

Topic: Babyface Pro FS usb power


I have a question for a friend who considers getting the babyface. I already looked up the official babyface pro thread and pictures of it and there it states that modern Pcs deliver more power.

The babyface has DC input, right? He watched a video of Neumann who said that a interface without additional power supply which gets the power solely from USB would be a compromise for the phantom power and the microphone, i.e. it would not work very well or the quality of the recordings would seriously diminish or that USB is somewhat unstable for power. Is this true? Can the Babyface Pro FS be used at all without the need of DC?


Re: Babyface Pro FS usb power

You use the wrong approach when researching. How many years is the BF Pro on the market? How many reviews of it, all done on bus power? Then the final clue - Google for posts where it failed with bus power...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Babyface Pro FS usb power

Works fine on usb power for me

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: Babyface Pro FS usb power

I have been using the original BabyFace, and after that the BFPro, since they were introduced. The USB by my Mac and PC computers have been adequate for powering 2 Neumann microphones with phantom power requirements.

I also use an AC power supply or 12v battery pack when using the BFPro as an input device for an iPad with same result.

Trust RME to do it right when they design their products. They have a long earned reputation for solid reliability and excellent features.

Re: Babyface Pro FS usb power

Echoing what has already been confirmed by other users, even on bus power, the Babyface Pro has no problems supplying 48V to even the most demanding condenser microphones. I use Schoeps and I have a phantom power tester that I bought from them. Testing the phantom power output was one of the first things I did with my BBF Pro when I got it.

Don't lose sleep over the 5V bus power to 48V phantom concept. It is a non-issue smile
