1 (edited by sylvainmoreau 2022-01-31 10:34:15)

Topic: click sounds with nuendo


I just bought a new pc and upgrade my setup to 5.1 Super excited but I would like to solve a problem I have for long time and could never fix. Sometime.. or after a while i get some clicks in the sound when playing. I need to go to Fireface control panel and change Buffer size from 1024 to 520 and back to 1024 so the click stops. Then I work but after a while that can come back.
In my previous computer it would last.. say hours before it might happen again or days.
But on that new setup it looks like it's more frequent.

I use Fireface 802 and FirefaceUC all drivers v1.219
802 sends clock to UC and UC displays green light on WC.
my settings are :
802 > clock Internal
UC > clock Word
is this all correct ?

Any idea where those clicks would come frome ? It's only with nuendo really. If pc is on just playing audio and youtube from other players I don't have this.

PC is proc:i912900k RAM:32GB6000 HD:ssds MB:Z690 OS:Windows11 (but previous computer was W10)


Re: click sounds with nuendo

The first question always is have you done all the windows tweaks? Are you running ultimate power mode or using the nuendo power plan? There are lots of things that can cause these glitches. My pc is slightly less powerful than yours (earlier i9 generation 2 years old) and I run all the time with 64 sample buffers. As well as the tweaks (google audio computer tweaks) I also pause windows updates if Iā€™m doing a recording session.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.

Re: click sounds with nuendo

thx lots of hope then because really i never dive into crazy settings.
I just made sure my ram was at good timing,
i didn't OC the Processor.
Somewhere I set window to "power mode" ? something like that I don't remember exactly. not to run in economy mode.
but that 's all I did. Where to find more infos to tune it for audio ?
i don't know what nuendo power plan is.
also I run 1024 because I use lots of vsti when I do music. And with my old PC that was the only setting I could work with.


Re: click sounds with nuendo

The underlying issue here might be two USB interfaces overloading the USB subsystem. This can be improved if you find separate USB controllers to connect them to (see manuals). Otherwise a multiport PCIe USB card could fix it.

Matthias Carstens

Re: click sounds with nuendo


thanks for that idea ! I activated the nuendo power thing and now I can see it on in the windows settings.
for the moment I think it helped a little bit. Didn't recall having issue for the last days.
If it does this again I will change USB or find pci usb.

Re: click sounds with nuendo

MC wrote:

The underlying issue here might be two USB interfaces overloading the USB subsystem. This can be improved if you find separate USB controllers to connect them to (see manuals). Otherwise a multiport PCIe USB card could fix it.

Also I'm looking how I can set VLC or foobar to play 5.1 and in the manual there is this interesting line :
"Also Fireface should not be the Preferred Device for playback, as this could cause loss of synchronization and unwanted noises."
for the moment in my PC every youtube, foobar vlc anything else basically goes to my fireface802 that is used by nuendo at same time.. is that a concern ? should I remove the 802 from any windows use ?