Topic: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII


Windows 10, Pro Tools 12, Running 96.

Have known good almost new ADAT cable going out of very recently tested and good Audient 880 and in to input of new UFXII. Blinking light on ADAT on front of unit. USB is solid and have been using that with no problems recording and playback. Drivers from RME run before using unit days ago.

Tried power cycling the unit while Audient was on and plugged into the UFXII.

Separate (newb) question. Once I get this running and have 4 ADAT channels from the 8 input Audient into the UFXII I suppose I couldn't then run an AES from the same unit and get two additional channels, right?

Re: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII

If you would read the manual, ch 5.1 ..

"State LEDs Sync. WC, AES, ADAT1, ADAT2, CC. Indicate a valid input signal separately for each digital input. Additionally, RME's exclusive SyncCheck indicates if one of these inputs is locked, but not synchronous to the others, in which case the LED will flash. See also chapter 8.7 / 14.2, Clock Modes - Synchronization."

Or in other words, the two devices are not properly clock synchronized.

Post a screenshot of driver settings, I am pretty sure that input status of ADAT will show lock, not sync.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII

The ADAT keeps going back and forth between lock and sync every half second or so at 96 khz, which is what what my Pro Tools session is and also what the Fireface is set to.

What should I do?

Re: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII

Oh, and thank you for your help Ramses!

5 (edited by vinark 2022-01-31 18:42:43)

Re: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII

Set the ufx to sync to adat1 to stop the blinking
The other thing you ask, if the audient has 2 adat outs and supports smux, you only need a second adat cable from the adient to the ufx. Smux supports 8 ch, over 2 cables.
If this sounds like abacadabra, read and learn about smux and samplerates (and clocking  for the blinking issue)

Yes the audient has smux so 2 adat  cables from the audient and set ufx to sync to adat1

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

6 (edited by bindrunes 2022-01-31 19:39:46)

Re: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII

Thanks, Vinark.

Where do I "Set the ufx to sync to adat1 to stop the blinking"?

In the unit itself is where I make that adjustment?

In the driver settings it is rapidly going back and forth between the lock and sync and I can't make it stop there.

I appreciate everyone's help as I try to get used to this new unit. I've read a bunch of the documentation, but it's a short novel lol

Edit:I understand smux is for ADAT when at 96 with reduced amount not channels from 8 to 4.


Re: Blinking ADAT in front of UFXII

> In the driver settings it is rapidly going back and forth between the lock and sync and I can't make it stop there.

There is a clock selector in that dialog....

Matthias Carstens