Topic: Cloudlifter Noise with UCX

Hi All

I was interested to know if anyone else has had this same issue.

When in a recording session recently. I was using an Sm7b with Cloudlifter on Input 1 of the interface. As soon as Phantom was supplied, it started hissing very loudly with a swirling sine wave popping in and out.

Tried a few different things and eventually swapped to using the cloudlifter with a separate pre-amp ART tubeopto 8 which I have running over ADAT to the UCX. No noise at all in this configuration.

Is there a reason that I would be experiencing such an issue with the UCX pre-amps but not the ART? I would have expected it to be the other way round!

Kind regards



Re: Cloudlifter Noise with UCX

You should check that the phantom power driven mic input is working correctly. Tried channel 2? Use a real condensor mic. I expect the mic inputs to be partially damaged and the issue not be limited to using the Cloudlifter.

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by ootsrecordings 2022-02-01 00:57:12)

Re: Cloudlifter Noise with UCX

MC wrote:

You should check that the phantom power driven mic input is working correctly. Tried channel 2? Use a real condensor mic. I expect the mic inputs to be partially damaged and the issue not be limited to using the Cloudlifter.

Hi thanks for responding.

I have tried with two different condensers on inputs 1 and 2, as well as again with the cloudlifter. No strange noise anymore. So weird!

Do you still think it could be the mic inputs? It's a brand new interface as of about a month ago.

Additionally, I did experience a weird thing a couple of times where suddenly input two decided it was not going to route the inputs to the outputs. Just in a split second with nothing being changed there was no sound from the mic input. The meter was showing that there was a signal but it was no longer being routed to the output. I have experienced this once before. I can only think it must be glitch with Total Mix.

Also I am fairly sure I tried input two on the occasion where the problem occured and got the same result


Re: Cloudlifter Noise with UCX

So it might have been just a cable connection hickup.

TM FX does not change the routing on its own. You might have it listen to MIDI and changing its confguration by random MIDI messages.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Cloudlifter Noise with UCX

MC wrote:

So it might have been just a cable connection hickup.

TM FX does not change the routing on its own. You might have it listen to MIDI and changing its confguration by random MIDI messages.


Thanks again, could you just clarify what you mean by the MIDI changes? I don't have the MIDI cables plugged in on the interface.

Kind regards

Re: Cloudlifter Noise with UCX

It can also respond to midi sent from the computer over usb. So something in the recording software might occasionally send something. But it is easy to disable all midi inputs to totalmix in the totalmix settings.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632