Topic: The future of RME drivers on MacOS

Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone here could shed any light on what is happening/going to happen with regards to kernel extensions (drivers) for RME devices on MacOS.

I'm asking because I recently installed the driver for my Babyface Pro on my MacBook Pro (MacOS 12.2) and after I went through all the ritualistic nonsense that apple makes us do, just to get it installed, at the end of the process I was greeted with a popup that said something like:
"The system extension used is a legacy extension that will need to be updated in future versions of the operating system". Or words to that effect.

Does this mean that apple are going to prevent manufacturers from making their own drivers? Are all devices going to have to be class compliant in the future? And if so, what implications does that have for super-low latency devices like ours? I'm sure that my Babyface is more performant because of its drivers, and I'd hate to have to use it only in class compliant mode.

Thanks for reading!

2 (edited by aroom 2022-02-01 21:08:17)

Re: The future of RME drivers on MacOS

some info here : … 57#p179857

from @MC

Re: Mac USB driver for macOS 11 & Apple Silicon hardware
Never heard of that before. That said yes, next year will see new Mac drivers that no longer require to enter recovery mode and reduce security. Apple has paved the way for that and we have those drivers running for some time in-house. But Corona and chip crisis prevented us from finalizing them for release so far.

Re: The future of RME drivers on MacOS

Oh, very good news! Thanks for the reply.