1 (edited by tedsorvino 2022-02-04 19:36:54)

Topic: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

Hi I'm using my old Babyface along with the latest Total Mix Fx and the EQ doesn't work. Is it available for my soundcard?


Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

Yes, the "classic" Babyface also has EQ and Reverb. There is a toggle in Fireface USB Settings app, you can record the EQ or only use it for monitoring, maybe that is what you missed.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by tedsorvino 2022-02-05 08:29:45)

Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

Unfortunatelly it doesn't work  either ticking or not the tongle. The thing I'm trying to do is really simple. I'm tryin to adjust some frequencies on the phones 3/4 output in my control room section. When I enter the eq section and I press the eq on button then the whole phones output mutes and the FX % button (upper right corner, next to undo) takes a small green color around 7o'clock but it doesn't interact. Switching the eq off everything works normal again



Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

Which firmware version in the BF?

Matthias Carstens

Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

It's Hardware Revision 225


Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

To find out if this is a hardware defect you need to install that Babyface on a different computer. If it works there then something is wrong with the computer hardware or the OS installation. Also use the supplied double USB cable to make sure the unit gets enough power, or use an external power supply.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

Isn't it weird that all effects ( both reverb and delay ) in any combination watsoever work properly and only eq doesn't (not even a band of it)?
I mean usually effects are much more cpu heavy than eq. I can't understand what this has to do with power etc, since it's a software related thing. My computer runs much heavier sound programs than total mix fx without any trouble.
Of course I will try your advice and I will let you know. Thanks anyways.


Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

This is not weird at all. EQ is rendered on the unit's FPGA, the rest runs on the computer's CPU.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

That's good to know. I will try with a power supply soon, since the unit is more than 2m away from the computer and the dual usb is quite short.

Re: Is total mix fx EQ available for old Babyface?

My fault. The simplest of malfunctions. Just a reset of the card and everything worked as it should with my simple long single usb cable. No problem whatsoever with the eq and all the dsp effects simultaneously.
Thanks for the help.